Mustafa Özgür Cingiz
Mustafa Özgür Cingiz
Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Verifisert e-postadresse på btu.edu.tr
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State of the art applications of social network analysis
F Can, T Özyer, F Polat
Springer, 2014
Bayesian reasoning and Gaussian processes for machine learning applications
K Hemachandran, S Tayal, PM George, P Singla, U Kose
CRC Press, 2022
Solving test suite reduction problem using greedy and genetic algorithms
A Yamuç, MÖ Cingiz, G Biricik, O Kalıpsız
2017 9th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial …, 2017
Content mining of microblogs
MÖ Cingiz, B Diri
State of the Art Applications of Social Network Analysis, 359-369, 2014
ARNetMiT R Package: association rules based gene co-expression networks of miRNA targets
G Biricik, B Diri
Cellular and Molecular Biology 63 (3), 18-25, 2017
The performance comparison of gene co-expression networks of breast and prostate cancer using different selection criteria
MÖ Cingiz, G Biricik, B Diri
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 13 (3), 500-510, 2021
Am I typing fresh tweets: Detecting up-to-dateness and worth of categorical information in microblogs
MÖ Cingiz, B Diri, G Biricik
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (12), 5256-5263, 2015
Yazılım GeliĢtirme Dersleri Öğrenci Projelerinin Birliktelik Kuralı Ġle Değerlendirilmesi
P Cihan, O Kalıpsız, MÖ Cingiz, M Doksöz
Classification of microblogging users
MÖ Cingiz, B Diri
2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2012
Predictive Maintenance on Industrial Data Using Soft Voted Ensemble Classifiers
Ü Dilbaz, MÖ Cingiz
International Conference on Computing, Intelligence and Data Analytics, 370-384, 2022
Two-tier combinatorial structure to integrate various gene co-expression networks of prostate cancer
MÖ Cingiz, B Diri
Gene 721, 144102, 2019
The inference of gene co-expression networks of breast and colon cancer using miRNA-target gene interactions data
MÖ Cingiz, B Diri
2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2017
Prediction of project problem effects on software risk factors
MÖ Cingiz, A Unudulmaz, O Kalıpsız
2013 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Software …, 2013
Mikrobloglarda içerik madenciliği
MÖ Cingiz
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Farklı Kestirim Yaklaşımları Kullanılarak Yazılım Projelerindeki Problem Etkilerinin Risk Yönetiminin Gerçeklemesi
MÖ Cingiz, A Unudulmaz, O Kalıpsız
Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (UYMS), Ankara, 2012
Test case prioritization with improved genetic algorithm
MÖ Cingiz, Ş Temei, O Kahpsız
2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2014
Evaluation of robustness of ensemble learners to noisy data
A Albayrak, MÖ Cingiz, MF Amasyalı
2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2013
Risk Faktörleri ve Risk Değerlendirme Modellerinin Farklı Veri Setleri Üzerinde Gerçeklenmesi.
A Unudulmaz, O Kalipsiz, MÖ Cingiz
UYMS, 2013
k-Strong Inference Algorithm: A Hybrid Information Theory Based Gene Network Inference Algorithm
MÖ Cingiz
Molecular Biotechnology 66 (11), 3213-3225, 2024
Adaptation of the Four Levels of Test Maturity Model Integration with Agile and Risk-Based Test Techniques
A Unudulmaz, MÖ Cingiz, O Kalıpsız
Electronics 11 (13), 1985, 2022
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