Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface VP Gerdt, W Koepf, EW Mayr, EV Vorozhtsov Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8136, V-VIII-V-VIII, 2013 | 394* | 2013 |
Modern algorithms of cluster analysis ST Wierzchoń, MA Kłopotek Springer International Publishing, 2018 | 261 | 2018 |
Generating optimal repertoire of antibody strings in an artificial immune system M Kłopotek, M Michalewicz, ST Wierzchoń, ST Wierzchoń Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS’2000 Symposium …, 2000 | 70 | 2000 |
Extension of the Hepar II Model to Multiple-Disorder Diagnosis M Kłopotek, M Michalewicz, ST Wierzchoń, A Oniśko, MJ Druzdzel, ... Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS’2000 Symposium …, 2000 | 63 | 2000 |
Inteligentne wyszukiwarki internetowe MA Kłopotek Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, 2001 | 60 | 2001 |
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining: Proceedings of the International IIS: IIPWM ́03 Conference held in Zakopane, Poland, June 2-5, 2003 MA Klopotek, ST Wierzchon, K Trojanowski Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 44* | 2013 |
A new Bayesian tree learning method with reduced time and space complexity MA Kłopotek Fundamenta Informaticae 49 (4), 349-367, 2002 | 44 | 2002 |
Algorithms of cluster analysis ST Wierzchoń, MA Kłopotek Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015 | 35 | 2015 |
Modelling the evolution of cooperative behavior in ad hoc networks using a game based model M Seredynski, P Bouvry, MA Klopotek 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, 96-103, 2007 | 32 | 2007 |
Consensus-based methods for restoring consistency of replicated data M Kłopotek, M Michalewicz, ST Wierzchoń, C Daniłowicz, NT Nguyen Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS’2000 Symposium …, 2000 | 32 | 2000 |
Algorytmy analizy skupień ST Wierzchoń, MA Kłopotek, I Mika Wydawnictwo WNT, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Very large Bayesian networks in text classification MA Kłopotek, M Woch International Conference on Computational Science, 397-406, 2003 | 29 | 2003 |
Modern clustering algorithms S Wierzchoń, M Kłopotek Studies in Big Data 34, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
An immune network for contextual text data clustering K Ciesielski, ST Wierzchoń, MA Kłopotek Artificial Immune Systems: 5th International Conference, ICARIS 2006, Oeiras …, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
Parallel decision or regression tree growing P Cichosz, M Klopotek, K Skowronski US Patent 9,684,874, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Empirical Models for the Dempster-Shafer-Theory MA Kłopotek, ST Wierzchoń Belief Functions in Business Decisions, 62-112, 2002 | 20 | 2002 |
A new qualitative rough-set approach to modeling belief functions MA Kłopotek, ST Wierzchoń Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: First International Conference …, 1998 | 20 | 1998 |
Optimization and interpretation of rule-based classifiers M Kłopotek, M Michalewicz, ST Wierzchoń, W Duch, N Jankowski, ... Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS’2000 Symposium …, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |
Speeding up evolution through learning: Lem M Kłopotek, M Michalewicz, ST Wierzchoń, RS Michalski, G Cervone, ... Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS’2000 Symposium …, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |
Evidential reasoning: an interpretative investigation ST Wierzchoń, M Kłopotek University of Podlasie, 2002 | 18 | 2002 |