Em defesa da honra: moralidade, modernidade e naçäo no Rio de Janeiro (1918-1940) S Caulfield, EA Martins Em defesa da honra: moralidade, modernidade e naçäo no Rio de Janeiro (1918 …, 2000 | 646 | 2000 |
In defense of honor: Sexual morality, modernity, and nation in early-twentieth-century Brazil S Caulfield Duke University Press, 2000 | 339 | 2000 |
" e; Que tenhas teu corpo" e;: uma historia social da prostituição no Rio de Janeiro das primeiras decadas republicanas CS Pereira [sn], 2002 | 161 | 2002 |
Honor, status, and law in modern Latin America S Caulfield, SC Chambers, L Putnam Duke University Press, 2005 | 146 | 2005 |
The history of gender in the historiography of Latin America S Caulfield Hispanic American Historical Review 81 (3-4), 449-490, 2001 | 143 | 2001 |
In Defense of Honor: Sexual Morality S Caulfield Modernity, and Nation in Early, 2000 | 70 | 2000 |
Getting into Trouble: Dishonest Women, Modern Girls, and Women-Men in the Conceptual Language of" Vida Policial", 1925-1927 S Caulfield Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 19 (1), 146-176, 1993 | 53 | 1993 |
6. The birth of Mangue: race, nation, and the politics of prostitution in Rio de Janeiro, 1850-1942 S Caulfield Sex and sexuality in Latin America, 86-100, 1997 | 38 | 1997 |
50 years of virginity in Rio de Janeiro: sexual politics and gender roles in juridical and popular discourse, 1890-1940 S Caulfield, M de Abreu Esteves Luso-Brazilian Review, 47-74, 1993 | 33 | 1993 |
Interracial courtship in the Rio de Janeiro courts, 1918–1940 S Caulfield Race and nation in modern Latin America, 163-186, 2003 | 29 | 2003 |
O nascimento do Mangue: raça, nação e o controle da prostituição no Rio de Janeiro, 1850-1942 S Caulfield Tempo, 43-63, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
Introduction: transformations in honor, status and law over the long nineteenth century S Caulfield, S Chambers, L Putnam Honor, status and law in modern Latin America, 1-24, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
anos de virgindade no Rio de Janeiro: as políticas de sexualidade no discurso jurídico e popular (1890 a 1940) M Abreu, S Caulfield Caderno Espaço Feminino, Uberlândia/MG 2 (1/2), 15, 50 | 18 | 50 |
Gender and sexuality in Brazil since independence S Caulfield, C Schettini Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Raça, sexo e casamento: crimes sexuais no Rio de Janeiro, 1918-1940 S Caulfield Afro-Ásia, 1996 | 17 | 1996 |
“Que virgindade é esta?”: a mulher moderna e a reforma do código penal no Rio de Janeiro, 1918 a 1940 S Caulfield | 14 | 2014 |
In defense of honor S Caulfield Sexual Morality, Modernity, and Nation in Early-Twentieth-Century Brazil …, 2000 | 13 | 2000 |
Women of Vice, Virtue, and Rebellion: New Studies of Representation of the Female in Latin America S Caulfield Latin American Research Review 28 (2), 163-174, 1993 | 13 | 1993 |
The right to a father's name: a historical perspective on state efforts to combat the stigma of illegitimate birth in Brazil S Caulfield Law and History Review 30 (1), 1-36, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
5. El nacimiento de Mangue. Laraza, la nación y la política de la prostitución en Río de Janeiro, 1850-1942 S Caulfield Sexo y sexualidades en América Latina, 139-162, 1998 | 10 | 1998 |