Students' Perceptions towards the Benefits and Drawbacks of EMI Classes HY Phuong English Language Teaching 12 (5), 88-100, 2019 | 82 | 2019 |
The impact of board games on EFL learners’ grammar retention HY Phuong, NTN Pham IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education 7 (3), 61-66, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
Challenges of shifting to task-based language teaching: A story from a Vietnamese teacher HY Phuong Can Tho University Journal of Science 2, 37-45, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
The impact of PPP and TBLT on Vietnamese students’ writing performance and self-regulatory writing strategies HY Phuong, K Van den Branden, E Van Steendam, L Sercu ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics 166 (1), 37-93, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Improving English language teaching in Vietnam: Voices from university teachers and students HY Phuong The people of Vietnam: Their voices and lived experiences, 91-120, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Students’ learning autonomy, involvement and motivation towards their English proficiency YH Phuong, PQ Vo Edulite: Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture 4 (1), 1-12, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
THE IMPACT OF USING INFOGRAPHICS TO TEACH GRAMMAR ON EFL STUDENTS’LEARNING MOTIVATION LK Nhan, PH Yen European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 5 (5), 2021 | 18 | 2021 |
On safe space in education: a Polish-Vietnamese comparative study D Domalewska, MG Kobylińska, PH Yen, RK Webb, N Thiparasuparat Journal of Human Security 17 (1), 35-45, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Students’ perceptions of a blended learning environment for English training at a university in Vietnam PH Yen, HM Hien, HCM Huyen Can Tho University Journal of Science 11 (3), 57-64, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
THE FREQUENCY AND FUNCTIONS OF TEACHERS’USE OF MOTHER TONGUE IN EFL CLASSROOMS NB Ngoc, PH Yen European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
Impacts of emotional intelligence on second language acquisition: English-major students’ perspectives LT Thao, PT Thuy, NA Thi, PH Yen, HTA Thu, NH Tra SAGE Open 13 (4), 21582440231212065, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Vietnamese EFL high school teachers’ perceptions of difficulties when implementing competency-based English teaching curriculum and their proposed solutions TA Nguyen, TT Le, MD Vang, YH Phuong, TTA Huynh, TH Nguyen, ... Forum for Linguistic Studies (Transferred) 5 (2), 1863-1863, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
Using Analytic Rubric for Speaking Self-Assessment: EFL Students' Perceptions and Challenges TX Phan, HY Phuong IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education 7 (3), 34-39, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
A review of factors influencing learners’ gain of English proficiency HY Phuong, PQ Vo, MH Tran CTU Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 11 (1), 49-59, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
The Impacts of Collaborative Writing on EFL Students’ Paragraph Writing Performance TTT Nguyen, HY Phuong International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) 4 (4), 177-190, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
English Teachers' Questions in a Vietnamese High School Classroom HY Phuong, TLG Nguyen JEELS 4 (2), 1-26, 2018 | 10* | 2018 |
Factors inhibiting teachers from research engagement: A review HY Phuong, PQ Vo, TBP Ly, BN Luu Can Tho University Journal of Science 6, 17-22, 2017 | 10* | 2017 |
The effects of using analytical rubrics in peer and self-assessment on EFL students’ writing proficiency: a Vietnamese contextual study HY Phuong, QT Phan, TT Le Language Testing in Asia 13 (1), 42, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
An investigation into English preparatory programs for EMI learning in higher education institutes in Vietnam TTQ Tran, HY Phuong CTU Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 11 (2), 51-60, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |