Gaohang Yu
Gaohang Yu
Verifisert e-postadresse på hdu.edu.cn - Startside
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Sparse-view x-ray CT reconstruction via total generalized variation regularization
S Niu, Y Gao, Z Bian, J Huang, W Chen, G Yu, Z Liang, J Ma
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (12), 2997, 2014
Higher order positive semidefinite diffusion tensor imaging
L Qi, G Yu, EX Wu
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 3 (3), 416-433, 2010
The superlinear convergence of a modified BFGS-type method for unconstrained optimization
Z Wei, G Yu, G Yuan, Z Lian
Computational optimization and applications 29, 315-332, 2004
The Z‐eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor and its application to spectral hypergraph theory
G Li, L Qi, G Yu
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 20 (6), 1001-1029, 2013
Properties of solution set of tensor complementarity problem
Y Song, G Yu
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 170 (1), 85-96, 2016
Spectral conjugate gradient methods with sufficient descent property for large-scale unconstrained optimization
G Yu, L Guan, W Chen
Optimization Methods and Software 23 (2), 275-293, 2008
A descent spectral conjugate gradient method for impulse noise removal
G Yu, J Huang, Y Zhou
Applied mathematics letters 23 (5), 555-560, 2010
Multivariate spectral gradient projection method for nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints
G Yu, S Niu, J Ma
J. Ind. Manag. Optim 9 (1), 117-129, 2013
A descent nonlinear conjugate gradient method for large-scale unconstrained optimization
G Yu, Y Zhao, Z Wei
Applied mathematics and computation 187 (2), 636-643, 2007
Nonlocal low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition for spectral CT reconstruction
S Niu, G Yu, J Ma, J Wang
Inverse problems 34 (2), 024003, 2018
Nonnegative diffusion orientation distribution function
L Qi, G Yu, Y Xu
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 45, 103-113, 2013
Motion capture data completion via truncated nuclear norm regularization
W Hu, Z Wang, S Liu, X Yang, G Yu, JJ Zhang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 25 (2), 258-262, 2017
Low-dose cerebral perfusion computed tomography image restoration via low-rank and total variation regularizations
S Niu, S Zhang, J Huang, Z Bian, W Chen, G Yu, Z Liang, J Ma
Neurocomputing 197, 143-160, 2016
Global convergence of modified Polak-Ribière-Polyak conjugate gradient methods with sufficient descent property
G Yu, L Guan, G Li
Journal of Industrial and Management optimization 4 (3), 565-579, 2008
On nonmonotone Chambolle gradient projection algorithms for total variation image restoration
G Yu, L Qi, Y Dai
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 35 (2), 143-154, 2009
A derivative-free method for solving large-scale nonlinearsystems of equations
G Yu
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 6 (1), 149-160, 2009
Globally convergent Polak–Ribière–Polyak conjugate gradient methods under a modified Wolfe line search
G Yu, L Guan, Z Wei
Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (8), 3082-3090, 2009
Semismoothness of the maximum eigenvalue function of a symmetric tensor and its application
G Li, L Qi, G Yu
Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (2), 813-833, 2013
Impulse noise removal by a nonmonotone adaptive gradient method
G Yu, L Qi, Y Sun, Y Zhou
Signal processing 90 (10), 2891-2897, 2010
Multivariate spectral gradient method for unconstrained optimization
L Han, G Yu, L Guan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 201 (1-2), 621-630, 2008
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