Jungwon Park
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High-resolution EM of colloidal nanocrystal growth using graphene liquid cells
JM Yuk, J Park, P Ercius, K Kim, DJ Hellebusch, MF Crommie, JY Lee, ...
Science 336 (6077), 61-64, 2012
Large‐scale synthesis of uniform and crystalline magnetite nanoparticles using reverse micelles as nanoreactors under reflux conditions
Y Lee, J Lee, CJ Bae, JG Park, HJ Noh, JH Park, T Hyeon
Advanced functional materials 15 (3), 503-509, 2005
Reaction chemistry and ligand exchange at cadmium− selenide nanocrystal surfaces
JS Owen, J Park, PE Trudeau, AP Alivisatos
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (37), 12279-12281, 2008
3D Structure of Individual Nanocrystals in Solution By Electron Microscopy
APA Jungwon Park, Hans Olof Elmlund, Peter Ercius, Jong Min Yuk, David ...
Science 349, 290-295, 2015
Hetero-epitaxial anion exchange yields single-crystalline hollow nanoparticles
J Park, H Zheng, Y Jun, AP Alivisatos
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (39), 13943-13945, 2009
3D motion of DNA-Au nanoconjugates in graphene liquid cell electron microscopy
Q Chen, JM Smith, J Park, K Kim, D Ho, HI Rasool, A Zettl, AP Alivisatos
Nano letters 13 (9), 4556-4561, 2013
Revealing bismuth oxide hollow nanoparticle formation by the Kirkendall effect
KY Niu, J Park, H Zheng, AP Alivisatos
Nano letters 13 (11), 5715-5719, 2013
Direct observation of nanoparticle superlattice formation by using liquid cell transmission electron microscopy
J Park, H Zheng, WC Lee, PL Geissler, E Rabani, AP Alivisatos
ACS nano 6 (3), 2078-2085, 2012
Insights into the Structures, Energetics, and Vibrations of Monovalent Cation−(Water)1-6 Clusters
HM Lee, P Tarakeshwar, J Park, MR Kołaski, YJ Yoon, HB Yi, WY Kim, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108 (15), 2949-2958, 2004
Reversible disorder-order transitions in atomic crystal nucleation
S Jeon, T Heo, SY Hwang, J Ciston, KC Bustillo, BW Reed, J Ham, ...
Science 371 (6528), 498-503, 2021
Chip-less wireless electronic skins by remote epitaxial freestanding compound semiconductors
Y Kim, JM Suh, J Shin, Y Liu, H Yeon, K Qiao, HS Kum, C Kim, HE Lee, ...
Science 377 (6608), 859-864, 2022
Direct Observation of Wet Biological Samples by Graphene Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy
DAW Jungwon Park, Hyesung Park, Peter Ercius, Adrian Pegoraro, Chen Xu, Jin ...
Nano Letters 15, 4737-4744, 2015
Critical differences in 3D atomic structure of individual ligand-protected nanocrystals in solution
BH Kim, J Heo, S Kim, CF Reboul, H Chun, D Kang, H Bae, H Hyun, J Lim, ...
Science 368 (6486), 60-67, 2020
Ferroelectric Polarization-Switching Dynamics and Wake-Up Effect in Si-Doped HfO2
TY Lee, K Lee, HH Lim, MS Song, SM Yang, HK Yoo, DI Suh, Z Zhu, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (3), 3142-3149, 2018
Liquid‐phase transmission electron microscopy for studying colloidal inorganic nanoparticles
BH Kim, J Yang, D Lee, BK Choi, T Hyeon, J Park
Advanced Materials 30 (4), 1703316, 2018
In situ multiscale probing of the synthesis of a Ni-rich layered oxide cathode reveals reaction heterogeneity driven by competing kinetic pathways
H Park, H Park, K Song, SH Song, S Kang, KH Ko, D Eum, Y Jeon, J Kim, ...
Nature Chemistry 14 (6), 614-622, 2022
Amorphous-phase-mediated crystallization of Ni nanocrystals revealed by high-resolution liquid-phase electron microscopy
J Yang, J Koo, S Kim, S Jeon, BK Choi, S Kwon, J Kim, BH Kim, WC Lee, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (2), 763-768, 2019
Molecular-level understanding of continuous growth from iron-oxo clusters to iron oxide nanoparticles
H Chang, BH Kim, HY Jeong, JH Moon, M Park, K Shin, SI Chae, J Lee, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (17), 7037-7045, 2019
Graphene veils and sandwiches
JM Yuk, K Kim, B Alemán, W Regan, JH Ryu, J Park, P Ercius, HM Lee, ...
Nano letters 11 (8), 3290-3294, 2011
Graphene-templated Directional Growth of an Inorganic Nanowire
ST Won Chul Lee, Kwanpyo Kim, Jungwon Park, Jahyun Koo, Hu Young Jeong ...
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 423-428, 2015
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