Janet Koprivnikar
Janet Koprivnikar
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biology, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson)
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Development and application of an eDNA method to detect and quantify a pathogenic parasite in aquatic ecosystems
JR Huver, J Koprivnikar, PTJ Johnson, S Whyard
Ecological Applications 25 (4), 991-1002, 2015
MicroCT scanner performance and considerations for vascular specimen imaging
M Marxen, MM Thornton, CB Chiarot, G Klement, J Koprivnikar, JG Sled, ...
Medical physics 31, 305, 2004
Macroparasite infections of amphibians: what can they tell us?
J Koprivnikar, DJ Marcogliese, JR Rohr, SA Orlofske, TR Raffel, ...
EcoHealth 9, 342-360, 2012
Effects of temperature, salinity, and water level on the emergence of marine cercariae
J Koprivnikar, R Poulin
Parasitology Research 105, 957-965, 2009
Infectious personalities: behavioural syndromes and disease risk in larval amphibians
J Koprivnikar, CH Gibson, JC Redfern
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1733), 1544-1550, 2012
Nematode parasite diversity in birds: the role of host ecology, life history and migration
TLF Leung, J Koprivnikar
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1471-1480, 2016
Flying with diverse passengers: greater richness of parasitic nematodes in migratory birds
J Koprivnikar, TLF Leung
Oikos, 2015
Effects of temperature, salinity, and pH on the survival and activity of marine cercariae
J Koprivnikar, D Lim, C Fu, SHM Brack
Parasitology Research 106, 1167-1177, 2010
Contaminant effects on host‐parasite interactions: atrazine, frogs, and trematodes
J Koprivnikar, MR Forbes, RL Baker
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26 (10), 2166-2170, 2007
Production of marine trematode cercariae: a potentially overlooked path of energy flow in benthic systems
DW Thieltges, X de Montaudouin, B Fredensborg, KT Jensen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 372, 147-155, 2008
Environmental factors influencing trematode prevalence in grey tree frog (Hyla versicolor) tadpoles in southern Ontario
J Koprivnikar, RL Baker, MR Forbes
Journal of Parasitology 92 (5), 997-1001, 2006
On the efficacy of anti-parasite behaviour: a case study of tadpole susceptibility to cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis
JKJ Koprivnikar, MRFMR Forbes, RLBRL Baker
Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 (11), 1623-1629, 2006
Effects of atrazine on cercarial longevity, activity, and infectivity
J Koprivnikar, MR Forbes, RL Baker
Journal of Parasitology 92 (2), 306-311, 2006
Interactions of environmental stressors impact survival and development of parasitized larval amphibians
J Koprivnikar
Ecological Applications 20 (8), 2263-2272, 2010
Lesser of Two Evils? Foraging Choices in Response to Threats of Predation and Parasitism
J Koprivnikar, L Penalva
PLoS ONE 10 (e0116569), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116569, 2015
Effects of road salt on larval amphibian susceptibility to parasitism through behavior and immunocompetence
D Milotic, M Milotic, J Koprivnikar
Aquatic Toxicology 189, 42-49, 2017
Community disassembly and disease: realistic—but not randomized—biodiversity losses enhance parasite transmission
PTJ Johnson, DM Calhoun, T Riepe, T McDevitt-Galles, J Koprivnikar
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1902), 20190260, 2019
Interspecific and intraspecific variation in cercariae release
J Koprivnikar, R Poulin
Journal of Parasitology 95 (1), 14-19, 2009
Agricultural effects on amphibian parasitism: importance of general habitat perturbations and parasite life cycles
J Koprivnikar, JC Redfern
Journal of wildlife diseases 48 (4), 925-936, 2012
Parasite infection leads to widespread glucocorticoid hormone increases in vertebrate hosts: A meta‐analysis
K O’Dwyer, F Dargent, MR Forbes, J Koprivnikar
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (2), 519-529, 2020
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