Jorge Macías
Jorge Macías
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Málaga
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A Q-scheme for a class of systems of coupled conservation laws with source term. Application to a two-layer 1-D shallow water system
M Castro, J Macías, C Parés
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 35 (1), 107-127, 2001
Numerical simulation of two-layer shallow water flows through channels with irregular geometry
MJ Castro, JA Garcıa-Rodrıguez, JM González-Vida, J Macıas, C Parés, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 195 (1), 202-235, 2004
The numerical treatment of wet/dry fronts in shallow flows: application to one-layer and two-layer systems
MJ Castro, AMF Ferreiro, JA García-Rodríguez, JM González-Vida, ...
Mathematical and computer modelling 42 (3-4), 419-439, 2005
Inter-model analysis of tsunami-induced coastal currents
PJ Lynett, K Gately, R Wilson, L Montoya, D Arcas, B Aytore, Y Bai, ...
Ocean Modelling 114, 14-32, 2017
Probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk analysis: A review of research gaps
J Behrens, F Løvholt, F Jalayer, S Lorito, MA Salgado-Gálvez, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 628772, 2021
Performance benchmarking of tsunami-HySEA model for NTHMP’s inundation mapping activities
J Macías, MJ Castro, S Ortega, C Escalante, JM González-Vida
Pure and Applied Geophysics 174, 3147-3183, 2017
The making of the NEAM tsunami hazard model 2018 (NEAMTHM18)
R Basili, B Brizuela, A Herrero, S Iqbal, S Lorito, FE Maesano, S Murphy, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 616594, 2021
Probabilistic tsunami forecasting for early warning
J Selva, S Lorito, M Volpe, F Romano, R Tonini, P Perfetti, F Bernardi, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5677, 2021
The Al-Borani submarine landslide and associated tsunami. A modelling approach
J Macías, JT Vázquez, LM Fernández-Salas, JM González-Vida, ...
Marine Geology 361, 79-95, 2015
Six thousand years of coastline evolution in the Guadalfeo deltaic system (southern Iberian Peninsula)
A Jabaloy-Sánchez, FJ Lobo, A Azor, W Martín-Rosales, JV Pérez-Peña, ...
Geomorphology 206, 374-391, 2014
Advanced recognition of explosives in traces on polymer surfaces using LIBS and supervised learning classifiers
J Serrano, J Moros, C Sánchez, J Macías, JJ Laserna
Analytica chimica acta 806, 107-116, 2014
Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows for HPC, data analytics, and AI convergence
J Ejarque, RM Badia, L Albertin, G Aloisio, E Baglione, Y Becerra, ...
Future generation computer systems 134, 414-429, 2022
New chemometrics in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for recognizing explosive residues
J Moros, J Serrano, C Sanchez, J Macias, JJ Laserna
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27 (12), 2111-2122, 2012
Fast evaluation of tsunami scenarios: uncertainty assessment for a Mediterranean Sea database
I Molinari, R Tonini, S Lorito, A Piatanesi, F Romano, D Melini, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (12), 2593-2602, 2016
Recognition of explosives fingerprints on objects for courier services using machine learning methods and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
J Moros, J Serrano, FJ Gallego, J Macías, JJ Laserna
Talanta 110, 108-117, 2013
The Lituya Bay landslide-generated mega-tsunami–numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis
JM González-Vida, J Macías, MJ Castro, C Sánchez-Linares, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (2), 369-388, 2019
Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis: high performance computing for massive scale inundation simulations
SJ Gibbons, S Lorito, J Macías, F Løvholt, J Selva, M Volpe, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 591549, 2020
Testing tsunami inundation maps for evacuation planning in Italy
R Tonini, P Di Manna, S Lorito, J Selva, M Volpe, F Romano, R Basili, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 628061, 2021
Multilayer-HySEA model validation for landslide generated tsunamis. Part II Granular slides
J Macías, C Escalante, MJ Castro
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 21, 791-805, 2021
Performance assessment of the Tsunami-HySEA model for NTHMP tsunami currents benchmarking. Laboratory data
J Macías, MJ Castro, C Escalante
Coastal Engineering 158, 103667, 2020
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