Sadegh Karimpouli
Sadegh Karimpouli
Research scientist, GFZ Potsdam
Verifisert e-postadresse på gfz-potsdam.de
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Segmentation of digital rock images using deep convolutional autoencoder networks
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi
Computers & geosciences 126, 142-150, 2019
Physics informed machine learning: Seismic wave equation
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (6), 1993-2001, 2020
A new approach to improve neural networks' algorithm in permeability prediction of petroleum reservoirs using supervised committee machine neural network (SCMNN)
S Karimpouli, N Fathianpour, J Roohi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 73 (3-4), 227-232, 2010
Image-based velocity estimation of rock using convolutional neural networks
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi
Neural Networks 111, 89-97, 2019
A review of experimental and numerical modeling of digital coalbed methane: Imaging, segmentation, fracture modeling and permeability prediction
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi, HL Ramandi
International Journal of Coal Geology 228, 103552, 2020
Using a Feature Subset Selection method and Support Vector Machine to address curse of dimensionality and redundancy in Hyperion hyperspectral data classification
A Salimi, M Ziaii, A Amiri, MH Zadeh, S Karimpouli, M Moradkhani
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 21 (1), 27-36, 2018
Conditional reconstruction: An alternative strategy in digital rock physics
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi
Geophysics 81 (4), D465-D477, 2016
Coal cleat/fracture segmentation using convolutional neural networks
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi, EH Saenger
Natural Resources Research 29 (3), 1675-1685, 2020
Stochastic modeling of coal fracture network by direct use of micro-computed tomography images
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi, HL Ramandi, P Mostaghimi, M Saadatfar
International Journal of Coal Geology 179, 153-163, 2017
Effects of pore-crack relative location on crack propagation in porous media using XFEM method
M Rezanezhad, SA Lajevardi, S Karimpouli
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 103, 102241, 2019
Prediction of porosity and water saturation using pre-stack seismic attributes: a comparison of Bayesian inversion and computational intelligence methods
H Fattahi, S Karimpouli
Computational Geosciences 20, 1075-1094, 2016
Application of probabilistic facies prediction and estimation of rock physics parameters in a carbonate reservoir from Iran
S Karimpouli, H Hassani, M Nabi-Bidhendi, H Khoshdel, A Malehmir
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 10 (1), 015008, 2013
Estimating 3D elastic moduli of rock from 2D thin-section images using differential effective medium theory
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi, EH Saenger
Geophysics 83 (4), MR211-MR219, 2018
Automated diffraction delineation using an apex-shifted Radon transform
S Karimpouli, A Malehmir, H Hassani, H Khoshdel, M Nabi-Bidhendi
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 12 (2), 199-209, 2015
Computing heterogeneous core sample velocity using digital rock physics: A multiscale approach
S Karimpouli, A Faraji, M Balcewicz, EH Saenger
Computers & Geosciences 135, 104378, 2020
3D multi‐fractal analysis of porous media using 3D digital images: considerations for heterogeneity evaluation
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi
Geophysical Prospecting 67 (4-Rock Physics: from microstructure to seismic …, 2019
A hierarchical sampling for capturing permeability trend in rock physics
S Karimpouli, P Tahmasebi
Transport in Porous Media 116, 1057-1072, 2017
Multistep Super Resolution Double-U-net (SRDUN) for enhancing the resolution of Berea sandstone images
S Karimpouli, R Kadyrov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 216, 110833, 2022
Effects of pore (s)-crack locations and arrangements on crack growth modeling in porous media
M Rezanezhad, SA Lajevardi, S Karimpouli
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 107, 102529, 2020
Application of equivalent circle and ellipse for pore shape modeling in crack growth problem: A numerical investigation in microscale
M Rezanezhad, SA Lajevardi, S Karimpouli
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 253, 107882, 2021
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