Educational games for learning. PM Noemí, SH Máximo Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (3), 230-238, 2014 | 289 | 2014 |
Sustainable development goals in public administrations: Enabling conditions in local governments M Bisogno, B Cuadrado-Ballesteros, FM Rossi, N Peña-Miguel International Review of Administrative Sciences 89 (4), 1223-1242, 2023 | 64 | 2023 |
Improving knowledge about the sustainable development goals through a collaborative learning methodology and serious game A Saitua-Iribar, J Corral-Lage, N Peña-Miguel Sustainability 12 (15), 6169, 2020 | 60 | 2020 |
Assessment of the development of professional skills in university students: Sustainability and serious games N Peña Miguel, J Corral Lage, A Mata Galindez Sustainability 12 (3), 1014, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Is privatization related to corruption? An empirical analysis of European countries N Peña Miguel, B Cuadrado-Ballesteros Public Management Review 21 (1), 69-95, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
The socioeconomic consequences of privatization: An empirical analysis for Europe B Cuadrado-Ballesteros, N Peña-Miguel Social Indicators Research 139, 163-183, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
New accounting information system: An application for a basic social benefit in Spain: Un nuevo sistema de información contable: Una aplicación para la prestación social básica … NP Miguel, JI De La Peña Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 21 (1), 28-37, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Analysing the link between corruption and PPPs in infrastructure projects: an empirical assessment in developing countries B Cuadrado-Ballesteros, N Peña-Miguel Journal of Economic Policy Reform 25 (2), 136-155, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Main factors for a proposal for a social protection floor N Peña-Miguel, JI De la Pena Esteban, A Fernández-Sainz Social Indicators Research 123, 59-76, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Explaining public-private partnership projects through political factors: An assessment of developing countries N Peña-Miguel, B Cuadrado-Ballesteros Political Studies 71 (3), 733-755, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Effect of privatisation on income inequality: a European analysis N Peña-Miguel, B Cuadrado-Ballesteros Empirica 48, 697 -716, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Partisan and electoral cycles in privatisation N Peña-Miguel, B Cuadrado-Ballesteros Political Studies 68 (3), 617-633, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Long term care pension benefits coverage via conversion factor based on different mortality rates: More money as age goes on JI De La Peña, MC Fernández-Ramos, N Peña-Miguel Interciencia 43 (1), 9-16, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Factores de resistencia ante el ABP: evidencia empírica en contabilidad J Corral-Lage, JI De la Peña, SG Delgado, II Petralanda, N Peña-Miguel Opción 31 (4), 328-351, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
A first approach to a public financial information system for social benefits N Peña-Miguel, J Corral-Lage, JIDLP Esteban European Research Studies 20 (2), 109, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Corruption Perception following Privatization Reforms: The Moderating Role of Governance: Corrupción percibida tras las reformas de privatización: el papel moderador del buen … B Cuadrado-Ballesteros, N Peña-Miguel Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 23 (1), 127-137, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Rethinking social welfare in Spain: a basic pension for everyone JI De La Peña Esteban, N Peña-Miguel Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 31 (1), 1737-1757, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Principios presupuestarios públicos para una propuesta de renta básica para el ciudadano N Pena-Miguel, JI De La Pena, C Fernández Revista internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares 1 (2), 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Financial sustainability and sustainable development in local governments: empirical insights M Bisogno, B Cuadrado-Ballesteros, F Manes-Rossi, N Peña-Miguel Public Performance & Management Review 47 (3), 784-811, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Does privatisation reduce public deficits? B Cuadrado-Ballesteros, N Peña-Miguel Policy & Politics 47 (2), 287-308, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |