WSN-and IOT-based smart homes and their extension to smart buildings H Ghayvat, S Mukhopadhyay, X Gui, N Suryadevara sensors 15 (5), 10350-10379, 2015 | 460 | 2015 |
Performance of asynchronous orthogonal multicarrier CDMA system in frequency selective fading channel X Gui, TS Ng IEEE Transactions on Communications 47 (7), 1084-1091, 1999 | 348 | 1999 |
Wellness sensor networks: A proposal and implementation for smart home for assisted living H Ghayvat, J Liu, SC Mukhopadhyay, X Gui IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (12), 7341-7348, 2015 | 142 | 2015 |
Energy efficient UAV-enabled mobile edge computing for IoT devices: A review M Abrar, U Ajmal, ZM Almohaimeed, X Gui, R Akram, R Masroor IEEE Access 9, 127779-127798, 2021 | 98 | 2021 |
A Mobile-Based Home Automation System MVD Werff, X Gui, WL Xu 2005 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and …, 2005 | 84* | 2005 |
Three-step two-way decode and forward relay with energy harvesting NTP Van, SF Hasan, X Gui, S Mukhopadhyay, H Tran IEEE Communications Letters 21 (4), 857-860, 2016 | 77 | 2016 |
Internet of Things for smart homes and buildings: Opportunities and Challenges H Ghayvat, J Liu, A Babu, EE Alahi, X Gui, SC Mukhopadhyay Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy 3 (4), 33-47, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
A comprehensive survey on moving networks S Jaffry, R Hussain, X Gui, SF Hasan IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (1), 110-136, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
Air flow measurement and management for improving cooling and energy efficiency in raised-floor data centers: A survey J Wan, X Gui, S Kasahara, Y Zhang, R Zhang IEEE Access 6, 48867-48901, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Evaluating the ergodic rate in SWIPT-aided hybrid NOMA SK Zaidi, SF Hasan, X Gui IEEE Communications Letters 22 (9), 1870-1873, 2018 | 54 | 2018 |
Joint cooling and server control in data centers: A cross-layer framework for holistic energy minimization J Wan, X Gui, R Zhang, L Fu IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2461-2472, 2017 | 54 | 2017 |
A novel chip-interleaving DS SS system X Gui, TS Ng IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 49 (1), 21-27, 2000 | 45 | 2000 |
Issues and mitigation of interference, attenuation and direction of arrival in IEEE 802.15. 4/ZigBee to wireless sensors and networks based smart building H Ghayvat, SC Mukhopadhyay, X Gui Measurement 86, 209-226, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Network lifetime improvement through energy-efficient hybrid routing protocol for IoT applications M Mishra, GS Gupta, X Gui Sensors 21 (22), 7439, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
Sustainability analysis of green data centers with CCHP and waste heat reuse systems J Wan, J Zhou, X Gui IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 6 (1), 155-167, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Exploiting UAV as NOMA based relay for coverage extension SK Zaidi, SF Hasan, X Gui, N Siddique, S Ahmad 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information …, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Reactive pricing: An adaptive pricing policy for cloud providers to maximize profit J Wan, R Zhang, X Gui, B Xu IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (4), 941-953, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Outage analysis of ground-aerial NOMA with distinct instantaneous channel gain ranking SK Zaidi, SF Hasan, X Gui IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (11), 10775-10790, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Cooperative diversity versus antenna diversity in wireless communication systems M Abrar, X Gui, A Punchihewa, S Khan, M Iqbal 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and …, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
Sharing research experiences of WSN based Smart Home H Ghayvat, A Nag, NK Suryadevara, SC Mukhopadhyay, X Gui, J Liu International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 7 (4), 1997, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |