Soumya Bera
Soumya Bera
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Many-body localization characterized from a one-particle perspective
S Bera, H Schomerus, F Heidrich-Meisner, JH Bardarson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 046603, 2015
Dirty Weyl semimetals: stability, phase transition and quantum criticality
S Bera, JD Sau, B Roy
Phys. Rev. B 93, 201302, 2016
Quantum mutual information as a probe for many-body localization
G De Tomasi, S Bera, JH Bardarson, F Pollmann
Physical Review Letters 118 (1), 016804, 2017
Density Propagator for Many-Body Localization: Finite-Size Effects, Transient Subdiffusion, and Exponential Decay
S Bera, G De Tomasi, F Weiner, F Evers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 196801, 2017
Slow dynamics in many-body localized system with random and quasi-periodic potential
F Weiner, F Evers, Bera, Soumya
Phys. Rev. B 100 (10), 104204, 2019
Return probability for the Anderson model on the random regular graph
S Bera, G De Tomasi, IM Khaymovich, A Scardicchio
Phys. Rev. B 98, 134205, 2018
Stabilizing spin coherence through environmental entanglement in strongly dissipative quantum systems
S Bera, S Florens, HU Baranger, N Roch, A Nazir, AW Chin
Physical Review B 89 (12), 121108, 2014
Generalized multipolaron expansion for the spin-boson model: Environmental entanglement and the biased two-state system
S Bera, A Nazir, AW Chin, HU Baranger, S Florens
Phys. Rev. B 90, 075110, 2014
One-particle density matrix characterization of many-body localization
S Bera, T Martynec, H Schomerus, F Heidrich-Meisner, JH Bardarson
Annalen der Physik, 1600356, 2016
Survival probability in Generalized Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble
G De Tomasi, M Amini, S Bera, I Khaymovich, V Kravtsov
SciPost Physics 6 (1), 014, 2019
Multiscale entanglement clusters at the many-body localization phase transition
L Herviou, S Bera, JH Bardarson
Physical Review B , 99 (13), 134205, 2018
Diffusion and criticality in undoped graphene with resonant scatterers
PM Ostrovsky, M Titov, S Bera, IV Gornyi, AD Mirlin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (26), 266803, 2010
Wave function multifractality and dephasing at metal–insulator and quantum Hall transitions
IS Burmistrov, S Bera, F Evers, IV Gornyi, AD Mirlin
Annals of Physics 326 (6), 1457-1478, 2011
Apparent slow dynamics in the ergodic phase of a driven many-body localized system without extensive conserved quantities
TLM Lezama, S Bera, JH Bardarson
Physical Review B 99 (16), 161106, 2019
Subdiffusion in the Anderson model on the random regular graph
G De Tomasi, S Bera, A Scardicchio, IM Khaymovich
Physical Review B 101 (10), 100201, 2020
Local entanglement structure across a many-body localization transition
S Bera, A Lakshminarayan
Phys. Rev. B 93, 134204, 2016
Density of states in graphene with vacancies: midgap power law and frozen multifractality
V Haefner, J Schindler, N Weik, T Mayer, S Balakrishnan, R Narayanan, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 186802, 2014
Particle production in ultrastrong-coupling waveguide QED
N Gheeraert, XHH Zhang, T Sépulcre, S Bera, N Roch, HU Baranger, ...
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043816, 2018
One-particle density matrix occupation spectrum of many-body localized states after a global quench
TLM Lezama, S Bera, H Schomerus, F Heidrich-Meisner, JH Bardarson
Physical Review B 96 (6), 060202, 2017
Elastic properties of graphene flakes: Boundary effects and lattice vibrations
S Bera, A Arnold, F Evers, R Narayanan, P Wölfle
Phys. Rev. B 82 (19), 195445, 2010
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