Lísa Anne Libungan
Lísa Anne Libungan
Fisheries Biologist at Fisheries Iceland
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ShapeR: an R package to study otolith shape variation among fish populations
LA Libungan, S Pálsson
PloS one 10 (3), e0121102, 2015
Otolith shape: a population marker for Atlantic herring Clupea harengus
LA Libungan, GJ Óskarsson, A Slotte, JA Jacobsen, S Pálsson
Journal of fish biology 86 (4), 1377-1395, 2015
Stock structure of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent waters
C Pampoulie, A Slotte, GJ Óskarsson, SJ Helyar, Á Jónsson, G Ólafsdóttir, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 522, 219-230, 2015
Latitudinal gradient in otolith shape among local populations of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) in Norway
LA Libungan, A Slotte, Å Husebø, JA Godiksen, S Pálsson
PloS one 10 (6), e0130847, 2015
Seasonal dynamics of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations spawning in the vicinity of marginal habitats
F Eggers, A Slotte, LA Libungan, A Johannessen, C Kvamme, E Moland, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e111985, 2014
Evidence of phenotypic plasticity and local adaption in metabolic rates between components of the Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua L.) stock
TB Grabowski, SP Young, LA Libungan, A Steinarsson, G Marteinsdóttir
Environmental biology of fishes 86 (3), 361-370, 2009
Otolith variation in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) reflects mitogenomic variation rather than the subspecies classification
LA Libungan, A Slotte, EO Otis, S Pálsson
Polar Biology 39 (9), 1571-1579, 2016
Fourteen new microsatellite markers for Atlantic herring Clupea harengus
LA Libungan, G Olafsdottir, S Skirnisdottir, S Palsson, C Pampoulie, ...
Journal of fish biology 81 (4), 1422-1426, 2012
Local adaptation and variation in life history reaction norms within the Icelandic cod stock - MSc thesis: https://skemman.is/handle/1946/4400
LA Libungan
University of Iceland, 2009
The ground beetle Carabus nemoralis – biggest beetle in Iceland
LA Libungan, GM Gíslason, T Thordarsson
Journal of the Icelandic Natural History Society 77 (1-2), 15-18, 2008
Identification of herring populations - PhD thesis: https://skemman.is/handle/1946/21094
LA Libungan
University of Iceland, 2015
Staða umhverfis og vistkerfa í hafinu við Ísland og horfur næstu áratuga
LA Libungan
Kafli 4.2. Síld (Clupea harengus) í Guðmundur J. Óskarsson (ritstj.), Haf …, 2021
R Package: ShapeR
LA Libungan, S Pálsson
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/shapeR/shapeR.pdf, 2015
The Marsh Cranefly - A new insect in Iceland
LA Libungan, GM Gíslason, T Thordarsson
Journal of the Icelandic Natural History Society 77 (3-4), 107-112, 2009
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