Justin I. Simon
Justin I. Simon
Planetary Scientist, NASA Johnson Space Center
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Origin of water and mantle–crust interactions on Mars inferred from hydrogen isotopes and volatile element abundances of olivine-hosted melt inclusions of primitive shergottites
T Usui, CMOD Alexander, J Wang, JI Simon, JH Jones
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357, 119-129, 2012
Stable calcium isotopic composition of meteorites and rocky planets
JI Simon, DJ DePaolo
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 289 (3-4), 457-466, 2010
Implications of pre-eruptive magmatic histories of zircons for U–Pb geochronology of silicic extrusions
JI Simon, PR Renne, R Mundil
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 266 (1-2), 182-194, 2008
Supra-canonical 26Al/27Al and the residence time of CAIs in the solar protoplanetary disk
ED Young, JI Simon, A Galy, SS Russell, E Tonui, O Lovera
Science 308 (5719), 223-227, 2005
Perseverance rover reveals an ancient delta-lake system and flood deposits at Jezero crater, Mars
N Mangold, S Gupta, O Gasnault, G Dromart, JD Tarnas, SF Sholes, ...
Science 374 (6568), 711-717, 2021
The pace of rhyolite differentiation and storage in an ‘archetypical’silicic magma system, Long Valley, California
JI Simon, MR Reid
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (1-2), 123-140, 2005
High-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of Pleistocene tuffs and temporal anchoring of the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary
DF Mark, PR Renne, RC Dymock, VC Smith, JI Simon, LE Morgan, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 39, 1-23, 2017
Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars
KA Farley, KM Stack, DL Shuster, BHN Horgan, JA Hurowitz, JD Tarnas, ...
Science 377 (6614), eabo2196, 2022
Calcium isotope composition of meteorites, Earth, and Mars
JI Simon, DJ DePaolo, F Moynier
The Astrophysical Journal 702 (1), 707, 2009
Meteoritic evidence for a previously unrecognized hydrogen reservoir on Mars
T Usui, CMOD Alexander, J Wang, JI Simon, JH Jones
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 410, 140-151, 2015
An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars
Y Liu, MM Tice, ME Schmidt, AH Treiman, TV Kizovski, JA Hurowitz, ...
Science 377 (6614), 1513-1519, 2022
Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars
RC Wiens, A Udry, O Beyssac, C Quantin-Nataf, N Mangold, A Cousin, ...
Science advances 8 (34), eabo3399, 2022
Heat-pipe planets
WB Moore, JI Simon, AAG Webb
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 13-19, 2017
Aqueous alteration processes in Jezero crater, Mars—Implications for organic geochemistry
EL Scheller, J Razzell Hollis, EL Cardarelli, A Steele, LW Beegle, ...
Science 378 (6624), 1105-1110, 2022
The Northwest Africa 8159 martian meteorite: Expanding the martian sample suite to the early Amazonian
CDK Herd, EL Walton, CB Agee, N Muttik, K Ziegler, CK Shearer, AS Bell, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 218, 1-26, 2017
Post-landing major element quantification using SuperCam laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
RB Anderson, O Forni, A Cousin, RC Wiens, SM Clegg, J Frydenvang, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 188, 106347, 2022
Oxygen isotope variations at the margin of a CAI records circulation within the solar nebula
JI Simon, ID Hutcheon, SB Simon, JEP Matzel, EC Ramon, PK Weber, ...
Science 331 (6021), 1175-1178, 2011
Potassium isotopic composition of various samples using a dual-path collision cell-capable multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, Nu instruments Sapphire
F Moynier, Y Hu, K Wang, Y Zhao, Y Gérard, Z Deng, J Moureau, W Li, ...
Chemical Geology 571, 120144, 2021
Mineralogy, petrology, chronology, and exposure history of the Chelyabinsk meteorite and parent body
K Righter, P Abell, D Agresti, EL Berger, AS Burton, JS Delaney, MD Fries, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50 (10), 1790-1819, 2015
A short timescale for changing oxygen fugacity in the solar nebula revealed by high-resolution 26Al–26Mg dating of CAI rims
JI Simon, ED Young, SS Russell, EK Tonui, KA Dyl, CE Manning
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (3-4), 272-283, 2005
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