uwe erb
uwe erb
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Influence of grain boundary character distribution on sensitization and intergranular corrosion of alloy 600
P Lin, KT Aust, G Palumbo, U Erb
Scripta Metallurgica et materialia 33 (9), 1995
Electrodeposited nanocrystals: Synthesis, properties and industrial applications
U Erb
Nanostructured Materials 6 (5-8), 533-538, 1995
Deviations from hall-petch behaviour in as-prepared nanocrystalline nickel
AM El-Sherik, U Erb, G Palumbo, KT Aust
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 27 (9), 1185-1188, 1992
Synthesis of bulk nanocrystalline nickel by pulsed electrodeposition
AM El-Sherik, U Erb
Journal of materials science 30, 5743-5749, 1995
Effect of grain size on mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials
N Wang, Z Wang, KT Aust, U Erb
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 43 (2), 519-528, 1995
Room temperature creep behavior of nanocrystalline nickel produced by an electrodeposition technique
N Wang, Z Wang, KT Aust, U Erb
Materials Science and Engineering: A 237 (2), 150-158, 1997
The effect of grain size on the wear properties of electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel coatings
DH Jeong, F Gonzalez, G Palumbo, KT Aust, U Erb
Scripta materialia 44 (3), 493-499, 2001
High strength nanocrystalline cobalt with high tensile ductility
AA Karimpoor, U Erb, KT Aust, G Palumbo
Scripta Materialia 49 (7), 651-656, 2003
Mechanical properties of nickel silicon carbide nanocomposites
AF Zimmerman, G Palumbo, KT Aust, U Erb
Materials Science and Engineering: A 328 (1-2), 137-146, 2002
Grain boundary design and control for intergranular stress-corrosion resistance
G Palumbo, PJ King, KT Aust, U Erb, PC Lichtenberger
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 25 (8), 1775-1780, 1991
Thermal stability of nanocrystalline Ni
U Klement, U Erb, AM El-Sherik, KT Aust
Materials Science and Engineering: A 203 (1-2), 177-186, 1995
The relationship between hardness and abrasive wear resistance of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni–P coatings
DH Jeong, U Erb, KT Aust, G Palumbo
Scripta Materialia 48 (8), 1067-1072, 2003
The corrosion behaviour of nanocrystalline nickel
R Rofagha, R Langer, AM El-Sherik, U Erb, G Palumbo, KT Aust
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 25 (12), 2867-2872, 1991
An in-situ tem study of the thermal stability of nanocrystalline NiP
K Boylan, D Ostrander, U Erb, G Palumbo, KT Aust
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 25 (12), 2711-2716, 1991
Microstructural evolution in pulse plated nickel electrodeposits
AM El-Sherik, U Erb, J Page
Surface and coatings technology 88 (1-3), 70-78, 1997
Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline Ni-Fe alloys
C Cheung, F Djuanda, U Erb, G Palumbo
Nanostructured materials 5 (5), 513-523, 1995
Triple line disclination effects on the mechanical behaviour of materials
G Palumbo, U Erb, KT Aust
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 24 (12), 2347-2350, 1990
Pulse electrodeposition of Ni–SiC nanocomposite
AF Zimmerman, DG Clark, KT Aust, U Erb
Materials letters 52 (1-2), 85-90, 2002
Synthesis, structure and properties of electroplated nanocrystalline materials
U Erb, AM El-Sherik, G Palumbo, KT Aust
Nanostructured Materials 2 (4), 383-390, 1993
On a more restrictive geometric criterion for “special” CSL grain boundaries
G Palumbo, KT Aust, EM Lehockey, U Erb, P Lin
Scripta materialia 38 (11), 1685-1690, 1998
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