Prof. Davide Tosi
Prof. Davide Tosi
Verifisert e-postadresse på uninsubria.it
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Open source software evaluation, selection, and adoption: a systematic literature review
V Lenarduzzi, D Taibi, D Tosi, L Lavazza, S Morasca
2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2020
Supporting the semi-automatic semantic annotation of web services: A systematic literature review
D Tosi, S Morasca
Information and Software Technology 61, 16-32, 2015
Towards self-adaptive service-oriented architectures
G Denaro, M Pezzé, D Tosi, D Schilling
Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Testing, analysis, and verification of …, 2006
An advanced architecture for push services
D Tosi
Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering …, 2003
On the definition of dynamic software measures
D Tosi, L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi
Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical software …, 2012
Ensuring interoperable service-oriented systems through engineered self-healing
G Denaro, M Pezze, D Tosi
Proceedings of the 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering …, 2009
Applying SCRUM in an OSS development process: an empirical evaluation
L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi, D Tosi
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 11th …, 2010
An investigation of the users’ perception of OSS quality
V Del Bianco, L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi, D Tosi
Open Source Software: New Horizons: 6th International IFIP WG 2.13 …, 2010
Towards autonomic service-oriented applications
D Tosi, G Denaro, M Pezzè
International Journal of Autonomic Computing 1 (1), 58-80, 2009
Predicting OSS trustworthiness on the basis of elementary code assessment
L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi, D Tosi
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2010
A systematic review on the functional testing of semantic web services
A Tahir, D Tosi, S Morasca
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (11), 2877-2889, 2013
The QualiSPo approach to OSS product quality evaluation
V Del Bianco, L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi, D Tosi
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Free …, 2010
Cloud computing and the new EU general data protection regulation
B Russo, L Valle, G Bonzagni, D Locatello, M Pancaldi, D Tosi
IEEE Cloud Computing 5 (6), 58-68, 2018
An empirical investigation of perceived reliability of open source java programs
L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi, D Tosi
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1109-1114, 2012
Questioning the seasonality of SARS-COV-2: a Fourier spectral analysis
R Cappi, L Casini, D Tosi, M Roccetti
BMJ open 12 (4), e061602, 2022
How data analytics and big data can help scientists in managing COVID-19 diffusion: modeling study to predict the COVID-19 diffusion in Italy and the Lombardy region
D Tosi, A Campi
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (10), e21081, 2020
Towards certifying the testing process of Open-Source Software: New challenges or old methodologies?
S Morasca, D Taibi, D Tosi
2009 ICSE Workshop on Emerging Trends in Free/Libre/Open Source Software …, 2009
Cell phone big data to compute mobility scenarios for future smart cities
D Tosi
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 4, 265-284, 2017
A dynamical quality model to continuously monitor software maintenance
V Lenarduzzi, AC Stan, D Taibi, D Tosi, G Venters
The European Conference on Information Systems Management, 168-178, 2017
Research Perspectives in Self-Healing Systems
D Tosi
LTA, 06, 2004
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