Pia Lamberty
Pia Lamberty
CeMAS Center für Monitoring, Analyse und Strategie
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A bioweapon or a hoax? The link between distinct conspiracy beliefs about the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and pandemic behavior
R Imhoff, P Lamberty
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (8), 1110-1118, 2020
How paranoid are conspiracy believers? Towards a more fine‐grained understanding of the connect and disconnect between paranoia and belief in conspiracy theories
R Imhoff, P Lamberty
European Journal of Social Psychology 48 (7), 909-926, 2018
Too special to be duped: Need for uniqueness motivates conspiracy beliefs
R Imhoff, P Lamberty
European Journal of Social Psychology 47 (6), 724–734, 2017
Resolving the puzzle of conspiracy worldview and political activism: Belief in secret plots decreases normative but increases nonnormative political engagement
R Imhoff, L Dieterle, P Lamberty
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (1), 71-79, 2021
Verlorene Mitte-feindselige Zustände: Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in Deutschland 2018/19
A Zick, B Küpper, W Berghan
Dietz, 2019
Powerful Pharma and its Marginalized Alternatives? Effect of Individual Differences in Conspiracy Mentality on Attitudes towards Medical Approaches
P Lamberty, R Imhoff
Social Psychology 49 (5), 255–270, 2018
Using power as a negative cue: How conspiracy mentality affects epistemic trust in sources of historical knowledge
R Imhoff, P Lamberty, O Klein
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (9), 1364-1379, 2018
Fake Facts: wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen
K Nocun, P Lamberty
Die geforderte Mitte
A Zick, B Küpper
Rechtsextreme und demokratiegefährdende Einstellungen in Deutschland 21 (1), 2020
Die geforderte Mitte: rechtsextreme und demokratiegefährdende Einstellungen in Deutschland 2020/21
A Zick, B Küpper, S Achour, W Berghan, H Delto, A Häusler, NR Krott, ...
Dietz, 2021
Investigating the links between cultural values and belief in conspiracy theories: The key roles of collectivism and masculinity
J Adam‐Troian, P Wagner‐Egger, M Motyl, T Arciszewski, R Imhoff, ...
Political Psychology 42 (4), 597-618, 2021
Fake Facts
K Nocun, P Lamberty
Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen. Köln: Quadriga, 2020
Mitreißende Wahrheiten: Verschwörungsmythen als Gefahr für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
J Rees, P Lamberty
Verlorene Mitte-Feindselige Zustände. Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in …, 2019
Conspiracy beliefs as psycho-political reactions to perceived power
R Imhoff, P Lamberty
Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories, 192-205, 2020
Support for collective action against refugees: The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs
P Hasbún López, B Martinović, M Bobowik, X Chryssochoou, A Cichocka, ...
European journal of social psychology 49 (7), 1439-1455, 2019
» Sometimes you just have to go in «–The link between conspiracy beliefs and political action
P Lamberty, D Leiser
Gefährliche Mythen: Verschwörungserzählungen als Bedrohung für die Gesellschaft
P Lamberty, J Rees
Die geforderte Mitte. Rechtsextreme und demokratiegefährdende Einstellungen …, 2020
The winner knew it all? Conspiracy beliefs and hindsight perspective after the 2016 US general election
PK Lamberty, JH Hellmann, A Oeberst
Personality and Individual Differences, 236-240, 2018
Verschwörungserzählungen im Kontext der Coronapandemie
P Lamberty, R Imhoff
Psychotherapeut 66 (3), 203-208, 2021
Gefährlicher Glaube: Die radikale Gedankenwelt der Esoterik
P Lamberty, K Nocun
Quadriga, 2022
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