LRG1 promotes angiogenesis by modulating endothelial TGF-β signalling X Wang, S Abraham, JAG McKenzie, N Jeffs, M Swire, VB Tripathi, ... Nature 499 (7458), 306-311, 2013 | 549 | 2013 |
Global analysis of seagrass restoration: the importance of large‐scale planting MM van Katwijk, A Thorhaug, N Marbà, RJ Orth, CM Duarte, GA Kendrick, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2), 567-578, 2016 | 535 | 2016 |
Global biogeochemical cycles SS Butcher, RJ Charlson, GV Wolfe, GH Orians (No Title), 1992 | 284 | 1992 |
Biodiversity mediates top–down control in eelgrass ecosystems: a global comparative‐experimental approach JE Duffy, PL Reynolds, C Boström, JA Coyer, M Cusson, S Donadi, ... Ecology letters 18 (7), 696-705, 2015 | 271 | 2015 |
Seagrass ecosystem services–What's next? LM Nordlund, EL Jackson, M Nakaoka, J Samper-Villarreal, ... Marine pollution bulletin 134, 145-151, 2018 | 264 | 2018 |
Blue Carbon Storage Capacity of Temperate Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Meadows ME Röhr, M Holmer, JK Baum, M Björk, K Boyer, D Chin, L Chalifour, ... Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 (10), 1457-1475, 2018 | 217 | 2018 |
Nonlethal effects of predators on prey populations: predator‐mediated change in bivalve growth M Nakaoka Ecology 81 (4), 1031-1045, 2000 | 214 | 2000 |
Habitat use by fishes in coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove habitats in the Philippines K Honda, Y Nakamura, M Nakaoka, WH Uy, MD Fortes Plos one 8 (8), e65735, 2013 | 199 | 2013 |
Toward a coordinated global observing system for seagrasses and marine macroalgae JE Duffy, L Benedetti-Cecchi, J Trinanes, FE Muller-Karger, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 317, 2019 | 187 | 2019 |
Geographic variability in organic carbon stock and accumulation rate in sediments of East and Southeast Asian seagrass meadows T Miyajima, M Hori, M Hamaguchi, H Shimabukuro, H Adachi, H Yamano, ... Global biogeochemical cycles 29 (4), 397-415, 2015 | 170 | 2015 |
Trophic transfer of microplastics from mysids to fish greatly exceeds direct ingestion from the water column T Hasegawa, M Nakaoka Environmental Pollution 273, 116468, 2021 | 124 | 2021 |
Growth of seagrass Halophila ovalis at dugong trails compared to existing within-patch variation in a Thailand intertidal flat M Nakaoka, K Aioi Marine Ecology Progress Series 184, 97-103, 1999 | 102 | 1999 |
Plant–animal interactions in seagrass beds: ongoing and future challenges for understanding population and community dynamics M Nakaoka Population Ecology 47, 167-177, 2005 | 96 | 2005 |
Latitude, temperature, and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere PL Reynolds, JJ Stachowicz, K Hovel, C Boström, K Boyer, M Cusson, ... Ecology 99 (1), 29-35, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |
Temporal changes in benthic communities of seagrass beds impacted by a tsunami in the Andaman Sea, Thailand N Whanpetch, M Nakaoka, H Mukai, T Suzuki, S Nojima, T Kawai, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 87 (2), 246-252, 2010 | 88 | 2010 |
Predation on seeds of seagrasses Zostera marina and Zostera caulescens by a tanaid crustacean Zeuxo sp. M Nakaoka Aquatic Botany 72 (2), 99-106, 2002 | 80 | 2002 |
Seasonal and between‐substrate variation in mobile epifaunal community in a multispecific seagrass bed of Otsuchi Bay, Japan M Nakaoka, T Toyohara, M Matsumasa Marine Ecology 22 (4), 379-395, 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
High seagrass diversity and canopy-height increase associated fish diversity and abundance M Hori, T Suzuki, Y Monthum, T Srisombat, Y Tanaka, M Nakaoka, ... Marine Biology 156, 1447-1458, 2009 | 77 | 2009 |
Temporal and spatial macrofaunal community changes along a salinity gradient in seagrass meadows of Akkeshi-ko estuary and Akkeshi Bay, northern Japan K Yamada, M Hori, Y Tanaka, N Hasegawa, M Nakaoka Hydrobiologia 592, 345-358, 2007 | 76 | 2007 |
Ecology of seagrasses Zostera spp.(Zosteraceae) in Japanese waters: A review M Nakaoka, K Aioi Otsuchi marine science 26 (7), 22, 2001 | 76 | 2001 |