Sara Månsson
Sara Månsson
PhD student, Lund University
Verifisert e-postadresse på energy.lth.se
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Faults in district heating customer installations and ways to approach them: Experiences from Swedish utilities
S Månsson, POJ Kallioniemi, M Thern, T Van Oevelen, K Sernhed
Energy 180, 163-174, 2019
A machine learning approach to fault detection in district heating substations
S Månsson, POJ Kallioniemi, K Sernhed, M Thern
Energy Procedia 149, 226-235, 2018
Automated statistical methods for fault detection in district heating customer installations
S Månsson, K Davidsson, P Lauenburg, M Thern
Energies 12 (1), 113, 2018
A taxonomy for labeling deviations in district heating customer data
S Månsson, IL Benzi, M Thern, R Salenbien, K Sernhed, POJ Kallioniemi
Smart Energy 2, 100020, 2021
Enhancing student engagement using GitHub as an educational tool
S Gunnarsson, P Larsson, S Månsson, E Mårtensson, J Sönnerup
Genombrottet, Lunds tekniska högskola, 2017
A fault handling process for faults in district heating customer installations
S Månsson, M Thern, PO Johansson Kallioniemi, K Sernhed
Energies 14 (11), 3169, 2021
Fault detection in district heating substations: a cluster-based and an instance-based approach
J Al Koussa, S Månsson
CLIMA 2022 conference, 2022
Fault handling processes in district heating customer installations: Current and future solutions
S Månsson
LTH, Lund University, 2018
Automatic Identification of Poorly Performing Substations and Meter Devices. The Future of District Heating Analysis
K Davidsson, S Månsson
Spot the difference!: On the way towards automated fault handling in district heating buildings
S Månsson
Engaging Students using GitHub as a Learning Management System
S Gunnarsson, P Larsson, S Månsson, E Mårtensson, J Sönnerup
Lunds universitets pedagogiska utvecklingskonferens 2017, 63-70, 2018
Smart Energy
S Månsson, IL Benzi, M Thern, R Salenbien, K Sernhed, POJ Kallioniemi
A Fault Handling Process for Faults in District Heating Customer Installations. Energies 2021, 14, 3169
S Månsson, M Thern, PO Johansson Kallioniemi, K Sernhed
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Automatic identification of poorly performing substations and meter devices: The future of district heating
S Månsson, K Davidsson
LTH, Lund University, 2016
Automatic Identification of Poorly Performing Substations and Meter Devices
K Davidsson, S Månsson
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