Burkhard Plinke
Burkhard Plinke
Scientist, formerly Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research
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Wood-based panels: an introduction for specialists
H Thoemen, M Irle, MC Barbu, P Niemz, LH Carvalho, JM Martins, ...
Brunel University Press, 2010
Using sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), topinambour (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and cup-plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) stalks as alternative raw materials for particleboards
P Klímek, P Meinlschmidt, R Wimmer, B Plinke, A Schirp
Industrial Crops and Products 92, 157-164, 2016
Influence of refiner fibre quality and fibre modification treatments on properties of injection-moulded beech wood–plastic composites
A Schirp, M Mannheim, B Plinke
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 61, 245-257, 2014
Application of near-infrared spectroscopy for the fast detection and sorting of wood–plastic composites and waste wood treated with wood preservatives
D Mauruschat, B Plinke, J Aderhold, J Gunschera, P Meinlschmidt, ...
Wood science and technology 50, 313-331, 2016
Numerical prediction of the stiffness and strength of medium density fiberboards
J Sliseris, H Andrä, M Kabel, B Dix, B Plinke, O Wirjadi, G Frolovs
Mechanics of Materials 79, 73-84, 2014
Effectiveness of organic and inorganic pigments for mass colouration of thermo-mechanical pulp used in wood–plastic composites
A Schirp, B Plinke, D Napolow
European journal of wood and wood products 73, 5-16, 2015
Estimation of fiber orientation and fiber bundles of MDF
J Sliseris, H Andrä, M Kabel, O Wirjadi, B Dix, B Plinke
Materials and Structures 49 (10), 4003-4012, 2016
Virtual characterization of MDF fiber network
J Sliseris, H Andrä, M Kabel, B Dix, B Plinke
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 75, 397-407, 2017
Characterisation of hardwood-fibres used for wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB)
AAP Imken, B Plinke, C Mai
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2021
Akustische Erkennung von Insektenbefall in Fachwerk (Acoustic detection of insect activity in timber framework)
B Plinke
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 49 (10), 404-404, 1991
Review: Methoden der Holzpartikelgrößenmessung–Von der technologischen Fragestellung zur aussagefähigen Statistik (Review: Methods of wood particle size measurement – From the …
B Plinke, A Schirp, I Weidenmüller
Holztechnologie 53 (4), 11-17, 2012
Zerstörungsfreie Festigkeitsuntersuchungen an Spanplatten mit Ultraschallmeßtechniken (Non-destructive strength tests on particleboards with ultra-sonic measuring techniques)
D Greubel, B Plinke
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 53 (3), 193-200, 1995
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the Influence of a Smoldering Cellulosic Substrate on a Cigarette’s Ignition Propensity Test
P Guindos, A Patel, T Kolb, P Meinschmidt, F Schlüter, B Plinke
Fire Technology, DOI 10.1007/s10694-017-0699-2, 2018
Understanding multi-spectral images of wood particles with matrix factorization
M Asbach, D Mauruschat, B Plinke
of Materials, 191, 2014
Characterisation of wood fibres for MDF-off-line and on-line measurements for production monitoring
B Benker, M Erbreich, B Plinke, A Wollmann
7th European Panel Products Symposium 8, 2003
Automatische Erkennung von Oberflächenfehlern
B Plinke
HK. Holz-und Möbelindustrie, 1989
Detection of adhesives on wood surfaces: spatially resolved monitoring of adhesive application
B Plinke, D Ben-Yacov
Adhes Adhes Sealants 7 (4), 25-29, 2010
Innovative Diagnosemethoden zum Nachweis holzzerstörender Insekten (Innovative diagnostic methods to detect harmful wood-inhabiting insects)
M Becker, B Berger, S König, A Taddei, B Hoppe, B Plinke
Journal für Kulturpflanzen 72 (8), 453-465, 2020
Optische Größenvermessung von Holzpartikeln für die WPC-Herstellung – Vergleich dreier Messverfahren (Optical size measurement of wood particles for WPC – Comparison of three …
B Plinke, JT Benthien, A Krause, KC Krause, A Schirp, L Teuber
Holztechnologie 57 (4), 43-50, 2016
Größenanalyse an nicht separierten Holzpartikeln mit regionenbildenden Algorithmen am Beispiel von OSB-Strands (Size analysis of unseparated wood particles with region-based …
B Plinke
Dissertation, TU Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, 2012
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