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833 2013 Growth, structure, and tribological behavior of atomic layer-deposited tungsten disulphide solid lubricant coatings with applications to MEMS TW Scharf, SV Prasad, MT Dugger, PG Kotula, RS Goeke, RK Grubbs
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244 2006 Structural and tribological characterization of protective amorphous diamond-like carbon and amorphous overcoats for next generation hard disks TW Scharf, RD Ott, D Yang, JA Barnard
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244 1999 Friction and wear mechanisms in MoS2/Sb2O3/Au nanocomposite coatings TW Scharf, PG Kotula, SV Prasad
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210 2003 Growth, structure and friction behavior of titanium doped tungsten disulphide (Ti-WS2) nanocomposite thin films TW Scharf, A Rajendran, R Banerjee, F Sequeda
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113 2018 Self-lubricating carbon nanotube reinforced nickel matrix composites TW Scharf, A Neira, JY Hwang, J Tiley, R Banerjee
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102 2004 Mechanisms of friction in diamondlike nanocomposite coatings TW Scharf, JA Ohlhausen, DR Tallant, SV Prasad
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91 2008 Synthesis of Au–MoS2 Nanocomposites: Thermal and Friction-Induced Changes to the Structure TW Scharf, RS Goeke, PG Kotula, SV Prasad
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