Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Philippe GraveyLes mer
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Application‐centric energy‐efficient Ethernet with quality of service support
I Popescu, T Miyazaki, M Chino, X Wang, S Okamoto, A Gravey, P Gravey, ...
Electronics Letters 51 (15), 1165-1167, 2015
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Practical methods for allocating and assessing resources in flexgrid networks
H Chouman, L Alahdab, R Colares, A Gravey, P Gravey, H Kerivin, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 15 (11), 883-899, 2023
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
An optical packet metro architecture for Fixed Mobile Convergence in the cloud era
A Gravey, D Amar, P Gravey, M Morvan
Photonic Network Communications 37, 278-295, 2019
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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