Chronological operation simulation framework for regional power system under high penetration of renewable energy using meteorological data S Liao, W Yao, X Han, J Wen, S Cheng Applied Energy 203, 816-828, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Modeling formulation and validation for accelerated simulation and flexibility assessment on large scale power systems under higher renewable penetrations X Han, X Chen, MB McElroy, S Liao, CP Nielsen, J Wen Applied energy 237, 145-154, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Determining the minimal power capacity of energy storage to accommodate renewable generation X Han, S Liao, X Ai, W Yao, J Wen Energies 10 (4), 468, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
An improved two-stage optimization for network and load recovery during power system restoration S Liao, W Yao, X Han, J Fang, X Ai, J Wen, H He Applied Energy 249, 265-275, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
电力系统恢复后期网架重构和负荷恢复的两阶段优化方法 廖诗武, 姚伟, 文劲宇, 侯云鹤, 李大虎 中国电机工程学报 36 (18), 4873-4882, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Two-stage optimization method for network reconfiguration and load recovery during power system restoration Shiwu Liao, Wei Yao, Xingning Han, Jinyu Wen, Yunhe Hou Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2015 IEEE, 2015 | 13* | 2015 |
Chronological operation simulation for power system with peak regulation ancillary service market in China: Formulation, solving, and validation L Wei, X Ai, J Fang, Y Lou, S Liao, J Wen International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 152, 109156, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
An improved multi-infeed effective short-circuit ratio for AC/DC power systems with massive shunt capacitors installed S Liao, W Yao, X Ai, J Wen, Q Liu, Y Jiang, J Zhang, J Tu Energies 10 (3), 396, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Indexes and method of power system outage risk assessment E Lu, XJ LU, F Long, KW Zeng, N Wang, SW Liao, JY Wen J. Electr. Power Autom. Equip 35 (3), 68-74, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
An AGC control performance index for main tie-lines in interconnected power grids X Ai, S Liao, J Wen Automation of Electric Power Systems 37 (21), 111-117, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Grid integration of solar power in northwest China X Han, S Liao, J Wen, X Chen 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 1-6, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Two-stage optimization method for network and load recovery during power system restoration S Liao, W Yao, J Wen, YH Hou, DH Li Proceedings of the CSEE 36 (18), 4873-4882, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
电力系统停电风险评估指标及方法 卢恩, 鲁晓军, 龙霏, 曾凯文, 王宁, 廖诗武, 文劲宇 电力自动化设备 3, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Transient overvoltage control for a wind farm based on goal representation adaptive dynamic programming Y Su, J Liu, S Liao, Y Tang, J Fang, J Wen, H He 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology, 705-712, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Dynamic model for thermal units with fast cut back function S Liao, K Zeng, W Yao, J Wen, Y Hu, L Ma, J Fang Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 32 (4), 21-220, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Supplementary damping control of VSC-HVDC for interarea oscillation using goal representation heuristic dynamic programming Y Shen, W Chen, W Yao, S Liao, J Wen 12th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2016 …, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Supplementary damping control of VSC-HVDC transmission system using a novel heuristic dynamic programming Y Shen, W Chen, W Yao, S Liao, J Wen, H He Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology 40 (12), 3768, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
多区域互联电网主要联络线 AGC 控制性能评价指标 艾小猛, 廖诗武, 文劲宇 电力系统自动化 37 (21), 111-117, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
采用新型自适应动态规划算法的柔性直流输电附加阻尼控制 沈郁, 陈伟彪, 姚伟, 廖诗武, 文劲宇, 何海波 电网技术 40 (12), 3768-3774, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
采用 WAMS 时序信息的故障诊断方法及应用 陈伟彪, 陈亦平, 姚伟, 廖诗武, 孙雁斌, 文劲宇 电网技术 41 (6), 1956-1963, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |