Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Thuat T. TrinhLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 8
Effects of wet torrefaction on pyrolysis of woody biomass fuels
QV Bach, KQ Tran, Ø Skreiberg, TT Trinh
Energy 88, 443-456, 2015
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Density functional theory study on the interactions of metal ions with long chain deprotonated carboxylic acids
AY Mehandzhiyski, E Riccardi, TS Van Erp, H Koch, PO Åstrand, TT Trinh, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (40), 10195-10203, 2015
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
The relative stability of zeolite precursor tetraalkylammonium–silicate oligomer complexes
BM Szyja, P Vassilev, TT Trinh, RA Van Santen, EJM Hensen
Microporous and mesoporous materials 146 (1-3), 82-87, 2011
Mandater: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
2D Ge2Se2P4 Monolayer: A Versatile Photocatalyst for Sustainable Water Splitting
TV Vu, NN Hieu, DD Vo, AI Kartamyshev, HD Tong, TT Trinh, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (10), 4245-4257, 2024
Mandater: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Norges forskningsråd
Chemically accurate energy barriers of small gas molecules moving through hexagonal water rings
E Hjertenæs, TT Trinh, H Koch
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (27), 17831-17835, 2016
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
First-principles insights on electronic and transport properties of novel ternary AlMX3 and quaternary Janus Al2M2X3Y3 (M= Ge, Sn; X/Y= S, Se, Te) monolayers
TV Vu, AI Kartamyshev, MD Nguyen, KD Pham, TT Trinh, NP Nhuan, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 181, 108590, 2024
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Two-dimensional piezoelectric AlSiX 2 (X= N, P, As) semiconductors with Raman activities, favorable band-gap, and high carrier mobility based on first-principles calculations
TV Vu, NN Hieu, HT Nguyen, TT Trinh, AI Kartamyshev, HV Phuc
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Modeling Hydrothermal Gasification of Digestate Sludge: Reaction Kinetic from Molecular Simulations
KQ Tran, TT Trinh
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 53, 961-969, 2024
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 40
Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates
J Wu, F Ning, TT Trinh, S Kjelstrup, TJH Vlugt, J He, BH Skallerud, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8743, 2015
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Norges forskningsråd
Non-isothermal pyrolysis of torrefied stump–A comparative kinetic evaluation
KQ Tran, QV Bach, TT Trinh, G Seisenbaeva
Applied energy 136, 759-766, 2014
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Fuel characterization and thermal degradation kinetics of biomass from phytoremediation plants
KQ Tran, S Werle, TT Trinh, A Magdziarz, S Sobek, M Pogrzeba
Biomass and Bioenergy 134, 105469, 2020
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Ab initio molecular dynamics study on the interactions between carboxylate ions and metal ions in water
AY Mehandzhiyski, E Riccardi, TS Van Erp, TT Trinh, BA Grimes
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (33), 10710-10719, 2015
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Thiosquaramide-based supramolecular polymers: aromaticity gain in a switched mode of self-assembly
V Saez Talens, J Davis, CH Wu, Z Wen, F Lauria, KBSS Gupta, R Rudge, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (47), 19907-19916, 2020
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health …
Low barriers for hydrogen diffusion in sII clathrate
TT Trinh, MH Waage, TS Van Erp, S Kjelstrup
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (21), 13808-13812, 2015
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
The role of a structure directing agent tetramethylammonium template in the initial steps of silicate oligomerization in aqueous solution
TT Trinh, KQ Tran, XQ Zhang, RA van Santen, EJ Meijer
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (34), 21810-21818, 2015
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide from non-equilibrium molecular dynamics: A systematic study of several common force fields
TT Trinh, TJH Vlugt, S Kjelstrup
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (13), 2014
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Rare event simulations reveal subtle key steps in aqueous silicate condensation
M Moqadam, E Riccardi, TT Trinh, A Lervik, TS van Erp
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (20), 13361-13371, 2017
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Heat transport through a solid–solid junction: the interface as an autonomous thermodynamic system
R Rurali, L Colombo, X Cartoixa, Ø Wilhelmsen, TT Trinh, D Bedeaux, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (20), 13741-13745, 2016
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd, Government of Spain
Elastic and thermodynamic properties of the major clinker phases of Portland cement: Insights from first principles calculations
NL Mai, NH Hoang, HT Do, M Pilz, TT Trinh
Construction and Building Materials 287, 122873, 2021
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
Coherent description of transport across the water interface: From nanodroplets to climate models
Ø Wilhelmsen, TT Trinh, A Lervik, VK Badam, S Kjelstrup, D Bedeaux
Physical Review E 93 (3), 032801, 2016
Mandater: Norges forskningsråd
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