Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Kaikai GuoLes mer
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Fourier ptychographic reconstruction using Wirtinger flow optimization
L Bian, J Suo, G Zheng, K Guo, F Chen, Q Dai
Optics express 23 (4), 4856-4866, 2015
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Solving Fourier ptychographic imaging problems via neural network modeling and TensorFlow
S Jiang, K Guo, J Liao, G Zheng
Biomedical optics express 9 (7), 3306-3319, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Transform-and multi-domain deep learning for single-frame rapid autofocusing in whole slide imaging
S Jiang, J Liao, Z Bian, K Guo, Y Zhang, G Zheng
Biomedical optics express 9 (4), 1601-1612, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Rapid focus map surveying for whole slide imaging with continuous sample motion
J Liao, Y Jiang, Z Bian, B Mahrou, A Nambiar, AW Magsam, K Guo, ...
Optics letters 42 (17), 3379-3382, 2017
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Multilayer fluorescence imaging on a single-pixel detector
K Guo, S Jiang, G Zheng
Biomedical Optics Express 7 (7), 2425-2431, 2016
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Invited Article: Mask-modulated lensless imaging with multi-angle illuminations
Z Zhang, Y Zhou, S Jiang, K Guo, K Hoshino, J Zhong, J Suo, Q Dai, ...
APL Photonics 3 (6), 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
13-fold resolution gain through turbid layer via translated unknown speckle illumination
K Guo, Z Zhang, S Jiang, J Liao, J Zhong, YC Eldar, G Zheng
Biomedical optics express 9 (1), 260-275, 2017
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Motion-corrected Fourier ptychography
L Bian, G Zheng, K Guo, J Suo, C Yang, F Chen, Q Dai
Biomedical optics express 7 (11), 4543-4553, 2016
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dual light‐emitting diode‐based multichannel microscopy for whole‐slide multiplane, multispectral and phase imaging
J Liao, Z Wang, Z Zhang, Z Bian, K Guo, A Nambiar, Y Jiang, S Jiang, ...
Journal of biophotonics 11 (2), e201700075, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Terapixel hyperspectral whole-slide imaging via slit-array detection and projection
J Liao, S Jiang, Z Zhang, K Guo, Z Bian, Y Jiang, J Zhong, G Zheng
Journal of biomedical optics 23 (6), 066503-066503, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Angular light modulator using optical blinds
Z Bian, S Alhudaithy, Z Wang, Z Zhang, K Guo, L Bian, Y Tomizawa, ...
Optics Express 24 (25), 28467-28472, 2016
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
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