Analisis Rasio Leverage Untuk Memprediksi Pertumbuhan Laba Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Makanan Dan Minuman Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011-2015 G Makiwan Hasanuddin Student Journal 2 (1), 189-202, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Effect of Leadership, Competency, and Work Discipline on the Application of Total Quality Management and Employees' Performance for the Accreditation Status Achievement of … C Roeleejanto, C Pahlevi Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ) 3 (11), 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
An analysis of the influence of ownership structure, investment, liquidity and risk to firm value: Evidence from Indonesia M Mangantar, M Ali, C Pahlevi American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 7 (4), 166, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Kinerja Keuangan dalam Pendekatan Modal Intelektual Kapital dan Struktur Modal C Pahlevi, V Anwar Pascal Books, 2022 | 37 | 2022 |
The role of efficiency mediation in the effect of banks size on bank profitability in Indonesia A Ruslan, C Pahlevi, S Alam, M Nohong Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review 3 (1), 49-58, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Pengaruh struktur modal, pertumbuhan perusahaan, ukuran perusahaan terhadap profitabilitas dan nilai perusahan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia … BS Tondok, C Pahlevi, A Aswan Hasanuddin Journal Of Business Strategy 1 (3), 66-78, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Pengaruh Struktur Modal (Debt Equity Ratio) Terhadap Profitabilitas (Return On Equity) ET Stein Skripsi, Program Strata 1, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |
Perbandingan kinerja keuangan bank pemerintah dan bank swasta nasional M Marsuki, C Pahlevi, M Pono Jurnal Analisis 1 (1), 66-72, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi return saham perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2012-2017 SF Juliana, C Pahlevi, MY Amar JBMI (Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen, Dan Informatika) 15 (3), 305-321, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Analisis Efektivitas Pengelolaan Dan Sistem Pengendalian Piutang Pada PT AR Hayati Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Cabang Terminal Petikemas Makassar …, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
Analisis Pengaruh Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM) dan Efisiensi Terhadap Return on Asset (ROA) Bank Umum Indonesia SRI WAHYUNI RASYID Universitas Hasanuddin, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Pengaruh Return On Asset (ROA), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Tingkat Suku Bunga dan Tingkat Inflasi Terhadap Return Saham Sektor Perbankan di Bursa Efek Indonesia (PERIODE 2003 … NS Aziz Skripsi, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction to Improve the Officer Performance Assigned In Boven Digoel Regency M Kirimanop, C Pahlevi, F Umar, B Balele Hasanuddin Journal of Business Strategy 2 (4), 26-34, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
The influence of social media influencer on students’ interest in investing in the capital market AT Ulmi, C Pahlevi, M Sobarsyah Hasanuddin Journal of Business Strategy 4 (1), 25-31, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
The Effect Earning Per Share (EPS), Return on Equity (ROE), and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) Toward Stock Return with dividend policy as Intervening Variable (Case study on … TN Hikmah, C Pahlevi, K Damang Hasanuddin Journal of Applied Business and Entrepreneurship 5 (1), 33-50, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Determinants of banking efficiency and its impact on banking competitive advantage A Ruslan, C Pahlevi, S Alam, M Nohong, A Reni 3rd International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics 2018 …, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
faktor-faktor penentu pertumbuhan laba (studi kasus perusahaan terdaftar pada index LQ-45 bursa efek indonesia periode 2012-2016) F Sam, C Pahlevi, E Pakki Hasanuddin Journal of Applied Business and Entrepreneurship 1 (4), 42-51, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy, Income and Financial Behavior on Investment Decisions During The Covid-19 Pandemic C Pahlevi, I Musa, V Anwar, N Norhaedah, AM Evendi IQTISHODUNA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam 12 (2), 635-648, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Pengaruh CAR, NPL, dan LDR terhadap ROA (Studi pada Bank Umum yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2007-2011) A PUJI SANTOSA Universitas Hasanuddin, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
The Effects of Leadership Styles, Organizational Climate, Environmental Aspects and Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on the Lectures’ Performance of Kopertis III … AA Anwar, H Maupa, S Haerani, C Pahlevi Scientific Research Journal 3 (9), 2201-2796, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |