Karolina Sakowska
Karolina Sakowska
National Research Council (CNR), Institute of BioEconomy (IBE)
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Leaf and canopy photosynthesis of a chlorophyll deficient soybean mutant
K Sakowska, G Alberti, L Genesio, A Peressotti, G Delle Vedove, ...
Plant, cell & environment 41 (6), 1427-1437, 2018
Heatwave breaks down the linearity between sun‐induced fluorescence and gross primary production
D Martini, K Sakowska, G Wohlfahrt, J Pacheco‐Labrador, C Van der Tol, ...
New Phytologist 233 (6), 2415-2428, 2022
EUROSPEC: at the interface between remote-sensing and ecosystem CO2 flux measurements in Europe
A Porcar-Castell, A Mac Arthur, M Rossini, L Eklundh, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (20), 6103-6124, 2015
Remote Sensing of Grassland Biophysical Parameters in the Context of the Sentinel‐2 Satellite Mission
K Sakowska, R Juszczak, D Gianelle
Journal of Sensors 2016 (1), 4612809, 2016
Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence I: Instrumental considerations for proximal spectroradiometers
J Pacheco-Labrador, A Hueni, L Mihai, K Sakowska, T Julitta, J Kuusk, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (8), 960, 2019
Dynamics of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance to detect stress‐induced variations in canopy photosynthesis
F Pinto, M Celesti, K Acebron, G Alberti, S Cogliati, R Colombo, ...
Plant, cell & environment 43 (7), 1637-1654, 2020
Monitoring of carbon dioxide fluxes in a subalpine grassland ecosystem of the Italian Alps using a multispectral sensor
K Sakowska, L Vescovo, B Marcolla, R Juszczak, J Olejnik, D Gianelle
Biogeosciences 11 (17), 4695-4712, 2014
Potential and limitations of grasslands α-diversity prediction using fine-scale hyperspectral imagery
HA Imran, D Gianelle, M Scotton, D Rocchini, M Dalponte, S Macolino, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (14), 2649, 2021
Hyplant-derived sun-induced fluorescence—A new opportunity to disentangle complex vegetation signals from diverse vegetation types
S Bandopadhyay, A Rastogi, U Rascher, P Rademske, A Schickling, ...
Remote sensing 11 (14), 1691, 2019
VIS-NIR, red-edge and NIR-shoulder based normalized vegetation indices response to co-varying leaf and Canopy structural traits in heterogeneous grasslands
HA Imran, D Gianelle, D Rocchini, M Dalponte, MP Martín, K Sakowska, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (14), 2254, 2020
WhiteRef: A new tower-based hyperspectral system for continuous reflectance measurements
K Sakowska, D Gianelle, A Zaldei, A MacArthur, F Carotenuto, F Miglietta, ...
Sensors 15 (1), 1088-1105, 2015
Assessing across-scale optical diversity and productivity relationships in grasslands of the Italian Alps
K Sakowska, A MacArthur, D Gianelle, M Dalponte, G Alberti, B Gioli, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (6), 614, 2019
Zmienność dobowa strumieni CO2 wymienianych między atmosferą a różnymi uprawami rolniczymi
K Sakowska, R Juszczak, B Uździcka, J Olejnik
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie 12 (2), 221-244, 2012
Improving remote estimation of winter crops gross ecosystem production by inclusion of leaf area index in a spectral model
R Juszczak, B Uździcka, M Stróżecki, K Sakowska
PeerJ 6, e5613, 2018
Związek między wskaźnikiem LAI a spektralnymi wskaźnikami roślinności na przykładzie wybranych gatunków roślin uprawnych
B Uździcka, R Juszczak, K Sakowska, J Olejnik
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie 12 (2), 283-311, 2012
Potential and Limitations of Grasslands α-Diversity Prediction Using Fine-Scale Hyperspectral Imagery. Remote Sens., 13, 2649
HA Imran, D Gianelle, M Scotton, D Rocchini, M Dalponte, S Macolino, ...
Hyplant-derived suninduced fluorescence-a new opportunity to disentangle complex vegetation signals from diverse vegetation types. Remote Sens. 11, 1691
S Bandopadhyay, A Rastogi, U Rascher, P Rademske, A Schickling, ...
Eddy Covariance Flux Data: Sitting on a Golden Egg
G Fratini, I Begashaw, A Burkart, J Gamon, K Guan, D Johnson, T Julitta, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5652, 2020
Measuring Major Components of the Terrestrial Carbon Balance
M Urbaniak, BH Chojnicki, R Juszczak, J Augustin, J Leśny, ...
Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in …, 2016
NDVI and PRI as indicators of diurnal changes in fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation for fallow and selected species of crop plants
B Uzdzicka, R Juszczak, K Sakowska, BH Chojnicki, M Urbaniak, ...
Acta Agrophysica 20 (4), 705-720, 2013
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