Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Silvia CeramicolaLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 4
Onshore to offshore correlation of regional unconformities in the Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary successions of the Calabrian Arc (central Mediterranean)
M Zecchin, D Praeg, S Ceramicola, F Muto
Earth-Science Reviews 142, 60-78, 2015
Mandater: Government of Italy
Episodic, rapid sea-level rises on the central Mediterranean shelves after the Last Glacial Maximum: a review
M Zecchin, S Ceramicola, E Lodolo, D Casalbore, FL Chiocci
Marine Geology 369, 212-223, 2015
Mandater: Government of Italy
Mid-miocene to recent tectonic evolution of the punta stilo swell (calabrian arc, southern Italy): an effect of calabrian arc migration
G Mangano, M Zecchin, D Civile, S Ceramicola, A Donato, F Muto, ...
Marine Geology 448, 106810, 2022
Mandater: Government of Italy
Reconstruction and tsunami modeling of a submarine landslide on the Ionian margin of Calabria (Mediterranean Sea)
S Ceramicola, S Tinti, F Zaniboni, D Praeg, P Planinsek, G Pagnoni, ...
Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Volume 3: Targeted Landslides …, 2014
Mandater: Government of Italy
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 11
Submarine canyons and gullies
D Amblas, S Ceramicola, TP Gerber, M Canals, FL Chiocci, ...
Submarine geomorphology, 251-272, 2018
Mandater: European Commission
Seafloor distribution and last glacial to postglacial activity of mud volcanoes on the Calabrian accretionary prism, Ionian Sea
S Ceramicola, D Praeg, A Cova, D Accettella, M Zecchin
Geo-Marine Letters 34, 111-129, 2014
Mandater: Government of Italy
Submarine mass-movements along the slopes of the active Ionian continental margins and their consequences for marine geohazards (Mediterranean Sea)
S Ceramicola, D Praeg, M Coste, E Forlin, A Cova, E Colizza, S Critelli
Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 6th international symposium …, 2014
Mandater: Government of Italy
The Crotone Megalandslide, southern Italy: Architecture, timing and tectonic control
M Zecchin, F Accaino, S Ceramicola, D Civile, S Critelli, C Da Lio, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 7778, 2018
Mandater: Government of Italy
Interplay between regional uplift and glacio-eustasy in the Crotone Basin (Calabria, southern Italy) since 0.45 Ma: a review
M Zecchin, M Caffau, S Ceramicola
Global and Planetary Change 143, 196-213, 2016
Mandater: Government of Italy
Mud volcanism in a canyon: Morphodynamic evolution of the active Venere mud volcano and its interplay with Squillace Canyon, Central Mediterranean
M Loher, S Ceramicola, P Wintersteller, G Meinecke, H Sahling, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (2), 356-378, 2018
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Distribution and origin of submarine landslides in the active margin of the southern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea)
E d'Acremont, S Lafuerza, A Rabaute, M Lafosse, MJ Castelot, C Gorini, ...
Marine Geology 445, 106739, 2022
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Spain
Active tectonics in the Calabrian Arc: Insights from the Late Miocene to Recent structural evolution of the Squillace Basin (offshore eastern Calabria)
M Corradino, D Morelli, S Ceramicola, L Scarfì, G Barberi, C Monaco, ...
Tectonophysics 851, 229772, 2023
Mandater: Government of Italy
Understanding the complex geomorphology of a deep sea area affected by continental tectonic indentation: The case of the Gulf of Vera (Western Mediterranean)
G Ercilla, J Galindo-Zaldívar, F Estrada, J Valencia, C Juan, D Casas, ...
Geomorphology 402, 108126, 2022
Mandater: Government of Spain
Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON cruise POS499, Calabrian Mud Volcanoes, Catania (Italy)–Catania (Italy), 04 May–22 May, 2016
G Bohrmann, K Bachmann, S Buchheister, O Candoni, S Ceramicola, ...
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A new large-scale gravitational complex discovered in the Gulf of Squillace (central Mediterranean): tectonic implications
G Mangano, S Ceramicola, TM Alves, M Zecchin, D Civile, A Del Ben, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 14695, 2023
Mandater: Government of Italy
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