Barbara Oudekerk
Barbara Oudekerk
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Criminal victimization, 2018
RE Morgan, JL Truman
Bureau of Justice Statistics 845, 11-18, 2019
Indicators of school crime and safety: 2016
L Musu-Gillette, A Zhang, K Wang, J Zhang, BA Oudekerk
National Center for Education Statistics, US Department of Education, and …, 2017
Indicators of school crime and safety: 2018
L Musu, A Zhang, K Wang, J Zhang, BA Oudekerk
National Center for education statistics, 2019
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2016. NCES 2017-064/NCJ 250650.
A Zhang, K Wang, J Zhang, BA Oudekerk
National Center for Education Statistics, 2017
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2019. NCES 2020-063/NCJ 254485.
K Wang, Y Chen, J Zhang, BA Oudekerk
National Center for Education Statistics, 2020
The cascading development of autonomy and relatedness from adolescence to adulthood
BA Oudekerk, JP Allen, ET Hessel, LE Molloy
Child development 86 (2), 472-485, 2015
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2015. NCES 2016-079/NCJ 249758.
A Zhang, L Musu-Gillette, BA Oudekerk
National Center for Education Statistics, 2016
What ever happened to the “cool” kids? Long‐term sequelae of early adolescent pseudomature behavior
JP Allen, MM Schad, B Oudekerk, J Chango
Child development 85 (5), 1866-1880, 2014
Probation and parole in the United States, 2019
B Oudekerk, D Kaeble
Bulletin (NCJ 256092). Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2021
Examining the link between perceptions of relationship quality with parole officers and recidivism among female youth parolees
S Vidal, BA Oudekerk, ND Reppucci, J Woolard
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 13 (1), 60-76, 2015
Older opposite-sex romantic partners, sexual risk, and victimization in adolescence
BA Oudekerk, LA Guarnera, ND Reppucci
Child abuse & neglect 38 (7), 1238-1248, 2014
Criminal victimization, 2018 (NCJ 253043)
RE Morgan, BA Oudekerk
US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics 37, 2019
Comparing the youth psychopathic traits inventory (YPI) and the psychopathy checklist–youth version (PCL-YV) among offending girls
P Chauhan, SN Ragbeer, ML Burnette, B Oudekerk, ND Reppucci, ...
Assessment 21 (2), 181-194, 2014
Access to a loaded gun without adult permission and school-based bullying
MS Simckes, JA Simonetti, MA Moreno, FP Rivara, BA Oudekerk, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (3), 329-334, 2017
Repeat violent victimization, 2005-14
BA Oudekerk, JL Truman
Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2017
Maternal and paternal psychological control as moderators of the link between peer attitudes and adolescents’ risky sexual behavior
BA Oudekerk, JP Allen, CA Hafen, ET Hessel, DE Szwedo, A Spilker
The Journal of early adolescence 34 (4), 413-435, 2014
Teen dating violence: How peers can affect risk & protective factors
B Oudekerk, D Blachman-Denmer, C Mulford
National Institute of Justice, 2014
Gender differences in jurors’ perceptions of infanticide involving disabled and non-disabled infant victims
BL Bottoms, AK Kalder, MC Stevenson, BA Oudekerk, TR Wiley, A Perona
Child Abuse & Neglect 35 (2), 127-141, 2011
Indicators of school crime and safety
A Zhang, L Musu-Gillette, BA Oudekerk
2015, 2016, 2015
Romantic partner deviance and the continuity of violence from adolescence to adulthood among offending girls
BA Oudekerk, DE Burgers, N Dickon Reppucci
Journal of Research on Adolescence 24 (1), 27-39, 2014
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