Lex Thijssen
Lex Thijssen
Postdoctoral researcher
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Almost identical but still treated differently: hiring discrimination against foreign-born and domestic-born minorities
S Veit, L Thijsen
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (6), 1285-1304, 2021
Discrimination against Turkish minorities in Germany and the Netherlands: field experimental evidence on the effect of diagnostic information on labour market outcomes
L Thijssen, B Lancee, S Veit, R Yemane
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (6), 1222-1239, 2021
Discrimination of Black and Muslim Minority Groups in Western Societies: Evidence from a Meta-analysis of Field Experiments
L Thijssen, F van Tubergen, M Coenders, R Hellpap, S Jak
International Migration Review 56 (3), 843-880, 2022
Labour market discrimination against Moroccan minorities in the Netherlands and Spain: A cross-national and cross-regional comparison
M Ramos, L Thijssen, M Coenders
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (6), 1261-1284, 2021
Is there evidence for statistical discrimination against ethnic minorities in hiring? Evidence from a cross-national field experiment
L Thijssen, M Coenders, B Lancee
Social Science Research 93, 102482, 2021
The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination-Codebook
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, M Fernandez Reino, ...
Available at SSRN 3398273, 2019
The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination: Technical report
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, M Fernandez Reino, ...
Available at SSRN 3398191, 2019
Ethnic Discrimination in the Dutch Labor Market: Differences Between Ethnic Minority Groups and the Role of Personal Information About Job Applicants—Evidence from a Field …
L Thijssen, M Coenders, B Lancee
Journal of International Migration and Integration 22 (3), 1125-1150, 2021
Etnische discriminatie op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: Verschillen tussen etnische groepen en de rol van beschikbare informatie over sollicitanten
L Thijssen, M Coenders, B Lancee
Mens & Maatschappij 94 (2), 141-176, 2019
Determinants of intergenerational downward mobility in the Netherlands
L Thijssen, MHJ Wolbers
Social Indicators Research 128, 995-1010, 2016
Taste-based versus statistical discrimination: placing the debate into context
L Thijssen
GEMM Project, 2016
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Western Labor Markets: Empirical Evidence from Field Experiments
LDJ Thijssen
Universiteit Utrecht, 2020
Kansrijk armoedebeleid
M Olsthoorn, P Koot, S Hoff, M Ras, B van Hulst, JM Wildeboer Schut, ...
Centraal Planbureau | Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2020
The GEMM Study: a cross-national harmonized field experiment on hiring discrimination
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, MF Reino, A Heath, ...
DANS. https://doi. org/10.17026/dans-zrz-m9cm, 2021
Arbeidsmarkt in kaart: Werkgevers–editie 4
P Echtelt, L Putman, M Voogd-Hamelink, D Faber, S Laan, N Bilo, ...
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2023
Intergenerationele sociale daling in Nederland
L Thijssen, M HJ Wolbers
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 30 (3), 2014
Verkenning Conceptualisatie Sociale Cohesie en Diversiteit
L Thijssen, W Portegijs
De leefwerelden van arm en rijk
L Vermeij, L Thijssen, D Beekers, R Maslowski
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2024
Regional ethnic concentrations and ethnic discrimination in hiring: field experimental evidence from the Netherlands
L Thijssen
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (9), 2434-2453, 2023
Samenleving in beweging: Diversiteit en sociale cohesie nader beschouwd
E Bakker, LDJ Thijssen, WJ Portegijs
Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP), 2023
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