Isaac Towers
Isaac Towers
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Stable (2+ 1)-dimensional solitons in a layered medium with sign-alternating Kerr nonlinearity
I Towers, BA Malomed
JOSA B 19 (3), 537-543, 2002
Stable spinning optical solitons in three dimensions
D Mihalache, D Mazilu, LC Crasovan, I Towers, AV Buryak, BA Malomed, ...
Physical review letters 88 (7), 073902, 2002
Stability of spinning ring solitons of the cubic–quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
I Towers, AV Buryak, RA Sammut, BA Malomed, LC Crasovan, ...
Physics Letters A 288 (5-6), 292-298, 2001
Stable three-dimensional spinning optical solitons supported by competing quadratic and cubic nonlinearities
D Mihalache, D Mazilu, LC Crasovan, I Towers, BA Malomed, AV Buryak, ...
Physical Review E 66 (1), 016613, 2002
Stable spatiotemporal spinning solitons in a bimodal cubic-quintic medium
D Mihalache, D Mazilu, I Towers, BA Malomed, F Lederer
Physical Review E 67 (5), 056608, 2003
Stable localized vortex solitons
I Towers, AV Buryak, RA Sammut, BA Malomed
Physical Review E 63 (5), 055601, 2001
Unified semiclassical approximation for Bose-Einstein condensates: Application to a BEC in an optical potential
YB Band, I Towers, BA Malomed
Physical Review A 67 (2), 023602, 2003
Light bullets in quadratic media with normal dispersion at the second harmonic
IN Towers, BA Malomed, FW Wise
Physical review letters 90 (12), 123902, 2003
Stable two-dimensional spinning solitons in a bimodal cubic–quintic model with four-wave mixing
D Mihalache, D Mazilu, I Towers, BA Malomed, F Lederer
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 4 (6), 615, 2002
Coupled logistic carrying capacity model
HM Safuan, I Towers, Z Jovanoski, H Sidhu
ANZIAM Journal 53, 172-184, 2012
Impacts of biotic resource enrichment on a predator–prey population
HM Safuan, HS Sidhu, Z Jovanoski, IN Towers
Bulletin of mathematical biology 75 (10), 1798-1812, 2013
Impacts of Biotic Resource Enrichment
IN Towers
A two-species predator-prey model in an environment enriched by a biotic resource
HM Safuan, HS Sidhu, Z Jovanoski, IN Towers
ANZIAM Journal 54, 768-787, 2014
Exact solution of a non-autonomous logistic population model
HM Safuan, Z Jovanoski, IN Towers, HS Sidhu
Ecological modelling 251, 99-102, 2013
Modelling fire line merging using plane curature flow
JJ Sharples, IN Towers, G Wheeler, VM Wheeler, JA McCoy
Interaction of two one-dimensional Bose-Einstein solitons: Chaos and energy exchange
PV Elyutin, AV Buryak, VV Gubernov, RA Sammut, IN Towers
Physical Review E 64 (1), 016607, 2001
A simple model for the total microbial biomass under occlusion of healthy human skin
H Safuan, IN Towers, Z Jovanoski, HS Sidhu, F Chan, D Marinova, ...
MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation …, 2011
Bistability of flame propagation in a model with competing exothermic reactions
IN Towers, VV Gubernov, AV Kolobov, AA Polezhaev, HS Sidhu
Proc. R. Soc. A 469 (2158), 20130315, 2013
Stable helical solitons in optical media
BA Malomed, GD Peng, PL Chu, I Towers, AV Buryak, RA Sammut
Pramana 57 (5-6), 1061-1078, 2001
Bistability of flame propagation in a model with
IN Towers, VV Gubernov, AV Kolobov, AA Polezhaev, HS Sidhu
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