Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Zhishang LiuLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelig noe sted: 1
Pore-scale characterization of two-phase flow using integral geometry
Z Liu, A Herring, C Arns, S Berg, RT Armstrong
Transport in Porous Media 118 (1), 99-117, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 3
Porous media characterization using Minkowski functionals: Theories, applications and future directions
RT Armstrong, JE McClure, V Robins, Z Liu, CH Arns, S Schlüter, S Berg
Transport in Porous Media 130, 305-335, 2019
Mandater: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council
Influence of wettability on phase connectivity and electrical resistivity
Z Liu, JE McClure, RT Armstrong
Physical Review E 98 (4), 043102, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Prediction of permeability from Euler characteristic of 3D images
Z Liu, A Herring, V Robins, RT Armstrong
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 27, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council
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