Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR CNRS 7039
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Stability analysis and control synthesis for switched systems: a switched Lyapunov function approach
J Daafouz, P Riedinger, C Iung
IEEE transactions on automatic control 47 (11), 1883-1887, 2002
Parameter dependent Lyapunov functions for discrete time systems with time varying parametric uncertainties
J Daafouz, J Bernussou
Systems & control letters 43 (5), 355-359, 2001
Controller synthesis for networked control systems
MBG Cloosterman, L Hetel, N Van de Wouw, W Heemels, J Daafouz, ...
Automatica 46 (10), 1584-1594, 2010
Stabilization of arbitrary switched linear systems with unknown time-varying delays
L Hetel, J Daafouz, C Iung
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (10), 1668-1674, 2006
Stabilization of nonlinear systems using event-triggered output feedback controllers
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nešić
IEEE transactions on automatic control 61 (9), 2682-2687, 2015
Observer-based control of discrete-time LPV systems with uncertain parameters $$
WPMH Heemels, J Daafouz, G Millerioux
IEEE transactions on automatic control 55 (9), 2130-2135, 2010
Dynamic output feedback H∞ control of switched linear systems
GS Deaecto, JC Geromel, J Daafouz
Automatica 47 (8), 1713-1720, 2011
Robust event-triggered output feedback controllers for nonlinear systems
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nešić
Automatica 75, 96-108, 2017
Nonlinear observer control for full-state projective synchronization in chaotic continuous-time systems
G Wen, D Xu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 26 (1), 71-77, 2005
Equivalence between the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals approach for discrete delay systems and that of the stability conditions for switched systems
L Hetel, J Daafouz, C Iung
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 2 (3), 697-705, 2008
On inexact LPV control design of continuous–time polytopic systems
J Daafouz, J Bernussou, JC Geromel
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 53 (7), 1674-1678, 2008
Adaptive synchronization of uncertain chaotic colpitts oscillators based on parameter identification
HB Fotsin, J Daafouz
Physics Letters A 339 (3-5), 304-315, 2005
Event-triggered tracking control of unicycle mobile robots
R Postoyan, MC Bragagnolo, E Galbrun, J Daafouz, D Nešić, EB Castelan
Automatica 52, 302-308, 2015
Comparison of overapproximation methods for stability analysis of networked control systems
WPMH Heemels, N Van De Wouw, RH Gielen, MCF Donkers, L Hetel, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM international conference on Hybrid systems …, 2010
Stability analysis of discrete-time infinite-horizon optimal control with discounted cost
R Postoyan, L Buşoniu, D Nešić, J Daafouz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (6), 2736-2749, 2016
Analysis and control of LTI and switched systems in digital loops via an event-based modelling
L Hetel, J Daafouz, C Iung
International Journal of Control 81 (7), 1125-1138, 2008
Stability analysis of discrete-time Lur’e systems
CAC Gonzaga, M Jungers, J Daafouz
Automatica 48 (9), 2277-2283, 2012
Parameter-dependent state observer design for affine LPV systems
GI Bara, J Daafouz, F Kratz, J Ragot
International journal of control 74 (16), 1601-1611, 2001
Robust H2 performance analysis and synthesis of linear polytopic discrete-time periodic systems via LMIs
C Farges, D Peaucelle, D Arzelier, J Daafouz
Systems & Control Letters 56 (2), 159-166, 2007
LMI control design for a class of exponential uncertain systems with application to network controlled switched systems
L Hetel, J Daafouz, C Iung
2007 American Control Conference, 1401-1406, 2007
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