Jesse Roberts
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Effects of particle size and bulk density on erosion of quartz particles
J Roberts, R Jepsen, D Gotthard, W Lick
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 124 (12), 1261-1267, 1998
Effects of bulk density on sediment erosion rates
R Jepsen, J Roberts, W Lick
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 99 (1), 21-31, 1997
Numerical modeling of the effects of wave energy converter characteristics on nearshore wave conditions
G Chang, K Ruehl, CA Jones, J Roberts, C Chartrand
Renewable Energy 89, 636-648, 2016
Advances in sediment transport modelling
SC James, CA Jones, MD Grace, JD Roberts
Journal of Hydraulic research 48 (6), 754-763, 2010
Simulating environmental changes due to marine hydrokinetic energy installations
SC James, E Seetho, C Jones, J Roberts
OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE SEATTLE, 1-10, 2010
Active capping technology—New approaches for in situ remediation of contaminated sediments
AS Knox, MH Paller, J Roberts
Remediation Journal 22 (2), 93-117, 2012
Stakeholder requirements for commercially successful wave energy converter farms
A Babarit, D Bull, K Dykes, R Malins, K Nielsen, R Costello, J Roberts, ...
Renewable Energy 113, 742-755, 2017
The Arctic coastal erosion problem
JM Frederick, MA Thomas, DL Bull, CA Jones, JD Roberts
Sandia Nat. Lab., Albuquerque, NM, USA, Tech. Rep. SAND2016-9762, 2016
Reducing variability in the cost of energy of ocean energy arrays
MBR Topper, V Nava, AJ Collin, D Bould, F Ferri, SS Olson, AR Dallman, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 112, 263-279, 2019
Development of SNL-SWAN a Validated Wave Energy Converter Array Modeling Tool.
KM Ruehl, JD Roberts, A Posner, A Porter
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2013
Cost/benefit considerations for recent saltcedar control, Middle Pecos River, New Mexico
D Barz, RP Watson, JF Kanney, JD Roberts, DP Groeneveld
Environmental Management 43 (2), 282-298, 2009
Assessing and Testing Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance and Effects on Open Channel Hydrodynamics: An Irrigation Canal Case Study.
B Gunawan, VS Neary, J Mortensen, JD Roberts
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017
Verifying marine-hydro-kinetic energy generation simulations using SNL-EFDC
SC James, S Lefantzi, J Barco, E Johnson, JD Roberts
OCEANS'11 MTS/IEEE KONA, 1-9, 2011
Modeling noncohesive sediment transport using multiple sediment size classes
SC James, PL Shrestha, JD Roberts
Journal of Coastal Research 22 (5 (225)), 1125-1132, 2006
Cost, time, and risk assessment of different wave energy converter technology development trajectories
JW Weber, D Laird, R Costello, J Roberts, D Bull, A Babarit, K Nielsen, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2017
Modeling underwater noise propagation from marine hydrokinetic power devices through a time-domain, velocity-pressure solution
E Hafla, E Johnson, CN Johnson, L Preston, D Aldridge, JD Roberts
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (6), 3242-3253, 2018
Erosion measurements in linear, oscillatory, and combined oscillatory and linear flow regimes
R Jepsen, J Roberts, J Gailani
Journal of Coastal Research 20 (4 (204)), 1096-1101, 2004
Effects of bed load and suspended load on separation of sands and fines in mixed sediment
R Jepsen, J Roberts, J Gailani
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 136 (6), 319-326, 2010
Long Beach harbor sediment study
R Jepsen, J Roberts, W Lick, J Roberts, W Lick
Report to the US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, 1997
Spatial Environmental Assessment Tool (SEAT): A modeling tool to evaluate potential environmental risks associated with wave energy converter deployments
C Jones, G Chang, K Raghukumar, S McWilliams, A Dallman, J Roberts
Energies 11 (8), 2036, 2018
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