Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Ferenc KunLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 2
Time evolution of damage in thermally induced creep rupture
N Yoshioka, F Kun, N Ito
Europhysics Letters 97 (2), 26006, 2012
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Creep rupture due to thermally induced cracking
N Yoshioka, F Kun, N Ito
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1535, mmm12-a-0262, 2013
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 49
Rupture cascades in a discrete element model of a porous sedimentary rock
F Kun, I Varga, S Lennartz-Sassinek, IG Main
Physical review letters 112 (6), 065501, 2014
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences …
Universality of fragment shapes
G Domokos, F Kun, AA Sipos, T Szabó
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9147, 2015
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Approach to failure in porous granular materials under compression
F Kun, I Varga, S Lennartz-Sassinek, IG Main
Physical Review E 88 (6), 062207, 2013
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences …
Scaling laws for impact fragmentation of spherical solids
G Timár, F Kun, HA Carmona, HJ Herrmann
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (1 …, 2012
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Plato’s cube and the natural geometry of fragmentation
G Domokos, DJ Jerolmack, F Kun, J Török
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (31), 18178-18185, 2020
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, National Office …
Competition of strength and stress disorder in creep rupture
Z Halász, Z Danku, F Kun
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (1 …, 2012
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Temporal and spacial evolution of bursts in creep rupture
Z Danku, F Kun
Physical review letters 111 (8), 084302, 2013
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Brittle-to-ductile transition in a fiber bundle with strong heterogeneity
K Kovács, RC Hidalgo, I Pagonabarraga, F Kun
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (4 …, 2013
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Government of Spain
Competition of information channels in the spreading of innovations
G Kocsis, F Kun
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (2 …, 2011
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Fragmentation and shear band formation by slow compression of brittle porous media
G Pál, Z Jánosi, F Kun, IG Main
Physical Review E 94 (5), 053003, 2016
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Emergence of energy dependence in the fragmentation of heterogeneous materials
G Pál, I Varga, F Kun
Physical Review E 90 (6), 062811, 2014
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Record statistics of bursts signals the onset of acceleration towards failure
V Kádár, G Pál, F Kun
Scientific reports 10 (1), 2508, 2020
Mandater: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Effect of disorder on shrinkage-induced fragmentation of a thin brittle layer
Z Halász, A Nakahara, S Kitsunezaki, F Kun
Physical Review E 96 (3), 033006, 2017
Mandater: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Record-breaking events during the compressive failure of porous materials
G Pál, F Raischel, S Lennartz-Sassinek, F Kun, IG Main
Physical Review E 93 (3), 033006, 2016
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences …
Creep rupture as a non-homogeneous Poissonian process
Z Danku, F Kun
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 2688, 2013
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Record breaking bursts in a fiber bundle model of creep rupture
Z Danku, F Kun
Frontiers in Physics 2, 8, 2014
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Disorder-induced brittle–to–quasi-brittle transition in fiber bundles
E Karpas, F Kun
Europhysics Letters 95 (1), 16004, 2011
Mandater: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Effect of disorder on the spatial structure of damage in slowly compressed porous rocks
F Kun, G Pál, I Varga, IG Main
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2136), 20170393, 2019
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
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