R. Keller Kopf
R. Keller Kopf
Senior Lecturer, Charles Darwin University
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Advances in Fish Tagging and Marking Technology
J McKenzie, B Parsons, A Seitz, RK Kopf, M Mesa, Q Phelps
American Fisheries Society Book, Symposium 76, 2012
Anthropocene Baselines: Assessing Change and Managing Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Aquatic Ecosystems
RK Kopf, CM Finlayson, P Humphries, NC Sims, S Hladyz
BioScience 65 (8), 798-811, 2015
Confronting the risks of large-scale invasive species control
RK Kopf, DG Nimmo, P Humphries, LJ Baumgartner, M Bode, NR Bond, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (6), 0172, 2017
Hypoxia, blackwater and fish kills: experimental lethal oxygen thresholds in juvenile predatory lowland river fishes
K Small, RK Kopf, RJ Watts, J Howitt
PLoS One 9 (4), e94524, 2014
Physiology, behaviour and welfare of fish during recreational fishing and after release
PS Davie, RK Kopf
New Zealand Veterinary Journal 54 (4), 161-172, 2006
Riverscape recruitment: a conceptual synthesis of drivers of fish recruitment in rivers
P Humphries, A King, N McCasker, RK Kopf, R Stoffels, B Zampatti, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (2), 213-225, 2020
Age estimation of billfishes (Kajikia spp.) using fin spine cross-sections: the need for an international code of practice
RK Kopf, K Drew, RL Humphreys Jr
Aquatic Living Resources 23 (1), 13-23, 2010
Reproductive biology and spatiotemporal patterns of spawning in striped marlin Kajikia audax
RK Kopf, PS Davie, DB Bromhead, JW Young
Journal of Fish Biology 81 (6), 1834-1858, 2012
Age and growth of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
RK Kopf, PS Davie, D Bromhead, JG Pepperell
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (9), 1884-1895, 2011
Size trends and population characteristics of striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax caught in the New Zealand recreational fishery
RK Kopf, PS Davie, JC Holdsworth
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39 (5), 1145-1156, 2005
Trait‐based prediction of extinction risk of small‐bodied freshwater fishes
RK Kopf, C Shaw, P Humphries
Conservation Biology 31 (3), 581-591, 2017
Australia's most imperilled vertebrates
ST Garnett, BK Hayward-Brown, RK Kopf, JCZ Woinarski, KA Cameron, ...
Biological Conservation 270, 109561, 2022
Adaptive management of environmental flows: using irrigation infrastructure to deliver environmental benefits during a large hypoxic blackwater event in the Southern Murray …
RJ Watts, RK Kopf, N McCasker, JA Howitt, J Conallin, I Wooden, ...
Environmental Management 61, 469-480, 2018
Constraints on vertebrate range size predict extinction risk
TM Newsome, C Wolf, DG Nimmo, RK Kopf, EG Ritchie, FA Smith, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (1), 76-86, 2020
Biocontrol of invasive carp: risks abound
J Marshall, AJ Davison, RK Kopf, M Boutier, P Stevenson, ...
Science 359 (6378), 877-877, 2018
Biocontrol in Australia: Can a carp herpesvirus (CyHV-3) deliver safe and effective ecological restoration?
RK Kopf, M Boutier, CM Finlayson, K Hodges, P Humphries, A King, ...
Biological Invasions, 1-14, 2019
Commonwealth Environmental Water Office Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project: Edward-Wakool River System Selected Area Evaluation Report 2016-17
RJ Watts, N McCasker, J Howitt, J Thiem, M Grace, RK Kopf, S Healy, ...
Commonwealth Environmental Water Office, 2017
Macroecology of fish community biomass–size structure: effects of invasive species and river regulation
RK Kopf, P Humphries, NR Bond, NC Sims, RJ Watts, RM Thompson, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (1), 109-122, 2019
Global patterns and predictors of trophic position, body size and jaw size in fishes
RK Kopf, JDL Yen, DG Nimmo, S Brosse, S Villéger
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021
Stage‐dependent effects of river flow and temperature regimes on the growth dynamics of an apex predator
RJ Stoffels, KE Weatherman, NR Bond, JR Morrongiello, JD Thiem, ...
Global Change Biology, 2020
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