Shahamak Rezaei
Shahamak Rezaei
Associate Professor, Roskilde University
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Diaspora governance and transnational entrepreneurship: The rise of an emerging social global pattern in migration studies
R Zapata-Barrero, S Rezaei
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 46 (10), 1959-1973, 2020
Migrant entrepreneurship, economic activity and export performance: mapping the Danish trends
N Baklanov, S Rezaei, J Vang, LP Dana
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 23 (1-2), 63-93, 2014
Informal opportunity among SMEs: an empirical study of Denmark’s underground economy
S Rezaei, M Goli, LP Dana
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 19 (1), 64-76, 2013
Iranian entrepreneurship
S Rezaei, LP Dana, V Ramadani
Springer, 2017
Immigrant Business in Denmark: Captured in marginal business fields?
T Bager, S Rezaei
Centre for Small Business Studies, University of Southern Denmark, 2001
Ethnic minority entrepreneurs in the international carpet trade: An empirical study
I Light, S Rezaei, LP Dana
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 18 (2), 125-153, 2013
Breaking out: the dynamics of immigrant owned businesses
S Rezaei
Journal of Social Sciences 3 (2), 94-105, 2007
Beyond legal entrepreneurship: the case of Austria
S Rezaei, M Goli, LP Dana
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 21 (2), 202-215, 2014
House of war: Islamic radicalisation in Denmark
S Rezaei, M Goli
Aarhus Universitet, 2010
Entrepreneurs’ human and social capital: direct and reinforcing benefits for export
S Ashourizadeh, S Rezaei, T Schott, J Vang
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 21 (2), 246-267, 2014
Gender and family in transnational entrepreneurship
A Ribeiro, S Rezaei, LP Dana
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 8 (3), 409-420, 2012
An empirical study of the underground economy in the Kingdom of Belgium
S Rezaei, M Goli, LP Dana
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 11 (2), 159-170, 2013
Innovation embedded in entrepreneurs’ networks in private and public spheres: A global study focusing on China and Denmark
T Schøtt, M Cheraghi, S Rezaei, J Vang
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 23 (1-2), 145-167, 2014
Radical Islamism and migrant integration in Denmark: An empirical inquiry
M Goli, S Rezaei
Journal of Strategic Security 4 (4), 81-114, 2011
Chinese entrepreneurs' human and social capital benefiting innovation: in China and in the Chinese diaspora
KW Jensen, S Rezaei, T Schøtt, S Ashourizadeh, J Li
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 16 (3), 350-377, 2016
Should I stay, or should I go?–The emigrating immigrants
S Rezaei, M Goli
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 6 (3-4), 229-250, 2011
Cognitive effects on entrepreneurial intentions: a comparison of Chinese émigrés and their descendants with non-émigré Chinese
KW Jensen, S Rezaei, FF Wherry
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 23 (1-2), 252-277, 2014
Det duale arbejdsmarked i et velfærdsstatsligt perspektiv: et studie af dilemmaet mellem uformel økonomisk praksis pg indvandreres socio-økonomiske integration. Delrapport 1 …
S Rezaei
Roskilde Universitet, 2003
Talent flowscapes and circular mobility in a Belt and Road (BRI) perspective-Global talent flows revisited
S Rezaei, MR Mouritzen
Asian Journal of Social Science 49 (4), 188-197, 2021
People's human and social capital benefiting careers in entrepreneurship: adults in China and in the Chinese diaspora
S Ashourizadeh, S Rezaei, T Schøtt, KW Jensen
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 16 (3), 378-400, 2016
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