Marco Tavora
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Excited state quantum phase transitions in many-body systems with infinite-range interaction: localization, dynamics, and bifurcation
LF Santos, M Tavora, F Perez-Bernal
Phys. Rev. A 94 (1), 012113, 2016
Short-time universal scaling in an isolated quantum system after a quench
A Chiocchetta, M Tavora, A Gambassi, A Mitra
Physical Review B 91 (22), 220302, 2015
Inevitable power-law behavior of isolated many-body quantum systems and how it anticipates thermalization
M Tavora, EJ Torres-Herrera, LF Santos
Phys. Rev. A 94, 041603(R), 2016
Powerlaw Decay Exponents: a Dynamical Criterion for Predicting Thermalization
M Távora, EJ Torres-Herrera, LF Santos
Phys. Rev. A 95 (1), 013604, 2016
Realistic many-body quantum systems vs full random matrices: static and dynamical properties
EJ Torres-Herrera, J Karp, M Tavora, L Santos
Entropy 18 (10), 359, 2016
Short-time universal scaling and light-cone dynamics after a quench in an isolated quantum system in d spatial dimensions
A Chiocchetta, M Tavora, A Gambassi, A Mitra
Phys. Rev. B 94 (13), 134311, 2016
Quench dynamics of one-dimensional bosons in a commensurate periodic potential: A quantum kinetic equation approach
M Tavora, A Mitra
Phys. Rev. B 88 (11), 115144, 2013
Quench dynamics of one-dimensional interacting bosons in a disordered potential: Elastic dephasing and critical speeding-up of thermalization
M Tavora, A Rosch, A Mitra
Physical Review Letters 113 (1), 010601, 2014
From few- to many-body quantum systems
M Schiulaz, M Távora, LF Santos
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (4), 2018
Survival Probability of the Néel State in Clean and Disordered Systems: An Overview
EJ Torres-Herrera, M Távora, LF Santos
Brazilian Journal of Physics 46 (3), 239-247, 2016
Erratum: Short-time universal scaling in an isolated quantum system after a quench [Phys. Rev. B 91, 220302 (R)(2015)]
A Chiocchetta, M Tavora, A Gambassi, A Mitra
Physical Review B 92 (21), 219901, 2015
Plane waves, integrable quantum systems and the group U( p, q), p ? q
YA Verdiyev
Journal of Physics A Mathematical General 30 (11), 4109-4116, 1997
The Approximation Power of Neural Networks (with Python codes)
M Tavora
Towards Data Science, 2019
Powerlaw Decay Exponents as Predictors of Thermalization in Many-Body Quantum Systems
M Tavora, EJ Torres-Herrera, LF Santos
arXiv preprint 1601.05807v2, 2016
Powerlaw Decay Exponents as Predictors of Thermalization in Many-Body Quantum Systems. 2016
M Távora, EJ Torres-Herrera, LF Santos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.05807, 0
Deep Learning Explainability: Hints from Physics
M Tavora
Towards Data Science, 2019
Machine Learning and Particle Motion in Liquids: An Elegant Link
M Tavora
Towards Data Science, 2019
Neural Quantum States
M Tavora
Towards Data Science, 2019
Connections between Neural Networks and Pure Mathematics
M Tavora
freeCodeCamp, 2019
From few-to many-body quantum physics
M Tavora, M Schiulaz, L Santos
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, H26. 005, 2018
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