Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - C.S.A. (Kris) van KoppenLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 2
Uncertainties in the assessment of “significant effect” on the Dutch Natura 2000 Wadden Sea site–The mussel seed fishery and powerboat race controversies
JR Floor, CSAK van Koppen, JPM Van Tatenhove
Environmental Science & Policy 55, 380-392, 2016
Mandater: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Science, uncertainty and changing storylines in nature restoration: The case of seagrass restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea
JR Floor, CSAK van Koppen, JPM van Tatenhove
Ocean & coastal management 157, 227-236, 2018
Mandater: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 6
Temporal scales, ecosystem dynamics, stakeholders and the valuation of ecosystems services
L Hein, CSAK van Koppen, EC van Ierland, J Leidekker
Ecosystem Services 21, 109-119, 2016
Mandater: European Commission
Environmental pollution liability insurance in China: in need of strong government backing
Y Feng, APJ Mol, Y Lu, G He, CSA Van Koppen
Ambio 43, 687-702, 2014
Mandater: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Environmental pollution liability insurance in China: compulsory or voluntary?
Y Feng, APJ Mol, Y Lu, G He, CSAK van Koppen
Journal of Cleaner Production 70, 211-219, 2014
Mandater: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Local perceptions of ecosystem services and protection of culturally protected forests in southeast China
H Gao, Y Xiao, CSA Van Koppen, Z Ouyang
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 4 (12), 299-309, 2018
Mandater: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Climate stress tests as a climate adaptation information tool in Dutch municipalities
I de Klerk, K van Koppen, M van Staveren
Climate risk management 33, 100318, 2021
Mandater: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Knowledge uncertainties in environmental conflicts: How the mussel fishery controversy in the Dutch Wadden Sea became depoliticised
JR Floor, CSAK van Koppen, JPM Van Tatenhove
Environmental Politics, 2019
Mandater: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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