Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Daniel Gatica-PerezLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 7
The youtube lens: Crowdsourced personality impressions and audiovisual analysis of vlogs
JI Biel, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 15 (1), 41-55, 2012
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Rapport with virtual agents: What do human social cues and personality explain?
A Cerekovic, O Aran, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 8 (3), 382-395, 2016
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Looking south: Learning urban perception in developing cities
D Santani, S Ruiz-Correa, D Gatica-Perez
ACM Transactions on Social Computing 1 (3), 1-23, 2018
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Let your body speak: Communicative cue extraction on natural interaction using RGBD data
A Marcos-Ramiro, D Pizarro, M Marron-Romera, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (10), 1721-1732, 2015
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation, Government of Spain
The emotional entanglements of smartphones in the field: On emotional discomfort, power relations, and research ethics
J Truong, F Labhart, D Santani, D Gatica‐Perez, E Kuntsche, S Landolt
Area 52 (1), 81-88, 2020
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Vlogging over time: Longitudinal impressions and behavior in YouTube
D Gatica-Perez, D Sanchez-Cortes, TMT Do, DB Jayagopi, K Otsuka
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous …, 2018
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
The impact of personality in using technology to ask and offer help: The experience of the Chatbot “UC—Paraguay”
JL Zarza, A Hume, L Cernuzzi, D Gatica-Perez, I Bison
2021 XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-10, 2021
Mandater: European Commission
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 183
Stresssense: Detecting stress in unconstrained acoustic environments using smartphones
H Lu, D Frauendorfer, M Rabbi, MS Mast, GT Chittaranjan, AT Campbell, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on ubiquitous computing, 351-360, 2012
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Mining large-scale smartphone data for personality studies
G Chittaranjan, J Blom, D Gatica-Perez
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 17, 433-450, 2013
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Automatic nonverbal analysis of social interaction in small groups: A review
D Gatica-Perez
Image and vision computing 27 (12), 1775-1787, 2009
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Discovering routines from large-scale human locations using probabilistic topic models
K Farrahi, D Gatica-Perez
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 2 (1), 1-27, 2011
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Who's who with big-five: Analyzing and classifying personality traits with smartphones
G Chittaranjan, J Blom, D Gatica-Perez
2011 15th Annual international symposium on wearable computers, 29-36, 2011
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Modeling dominance in group conversations using nonverbal activity cues
DB Jayagopi, H Hung, C Yeo, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 17 (3), 501-513, 2009
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
A thousand words in a scene
P Quelhas, F Monay, JM Odobez, D Gatica-Perez, T Tuytelaars
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (9), 1575-1589, 2007
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A nonverbal behavior approach to identify emergent leaders in small groups
D Sanchez-Cortes, O Aran, MS Mast, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE transactions on multimedia 14 (3), 816-832, 2011
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Hire me: Computational inference of hirability in employment interviews based on nonverbal behavior
LS Nguyen, D Frauendorfer, MS Mast, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE transactions on multimedia 16 (4), 1018-1031, 2014
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
What your face vlogs about: expressions of emotion and big-five traits impressions in YouTube
L Teijeiro-Mosquera, JI Biel, JL Alba-Castro, D Gatica-Perez
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 6 (2), 193-205, 2014
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation, Government of Spain
I would hire you in a minute: Thin slices of nonverbal behavior in job interviews
LS Nguyen, D Gatica-Perez
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on international conference on multimodal …, 2015
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
Discovering places of interest in everyday life from smartphone data
R Montoliu, J Blom, D Gatica-Perez
Multimedia tools and applications 62, 179-207, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
Where and what: Using smartphones to predict next locations and applications in daily life
TMT Do, D Gatica-Perez
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 12, 79-91, 2014
Mandater: Swiss National Science Foundation
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