Andrej Kubiček
Andrej Kubiček
Research Assistant, Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research
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Migration of ‘Pariah People’: The Case Study of Roma in the Balkans
A Kubiček
Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Sociological Research; Serbian …, 2017
Between latency and political mobilization:(con) figurations of the ethno-national identification among the bureaucratic-political elite of Serbia
S Janković, A Kubicek
Sociologija 58 (4), 552-577, 2016
The right to life and quality of living of women suffering and recovered from breast cancer in Serbia
A Batrićević, A Kubiček
Provincial Protector of Citizens-Ombudsman; Institute of Criminological and …, 2021
Roma nation: escaping pariah people's stigma
A Kubiček
G. Pudar Draško, A. Pavić & E. Meka, Politics of Enmity. Belgrade: Institute …, 2018
The Integration of Migrant Children in Serbia: Legal and Social Aspects
A Batrićević, A Kubiček
Provincial Protector of Citizens-Ombudsman; Institute of Criminological and …, 2019
Obrazovanje romske dece u Srbiji: izazovi i perspektive
A Batrićević, A Kubiček
Socijalna misao, 27-44, 2020
Hate Speech Towards Roma Children in Digital Space: Discourse Analyses of Users' Comments
A Kubiček, A Marković
Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, 2022
Prison Based Educational Programs as a Means to Promote Ex-Prisoners' Right to Labour
A Batrićević, A Paraušić, A Kubiček
Faculty of Law-Kicevo, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2020
Social Aspects of COVID-19 Pandemic in Informal Roma Settlements-Specific Challenges and Soulutions
A Kubíček
Provincial Protector of Citizens-Ombudsman; Institute of Criminological and …, 2020
Doprinos civilnog sektora integraciji i zaštiti ljudskih prava migranata u Srbiji: normativni okvir i praktična iskustva
A Batrićević, A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 38 (2), 169-187, 2019
Stranci iz komšiluka: nasilje i međuetnički odnosi u selu Jabuci 2010. godine
A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 37 (3), 27-40, 2018
Older People in Informal Settlements a Different Kind of Elderness
A Kubiček
Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research; Vojvodina Bar Association, 2023
Zaštita ljudskih prava, od detinjstva do prava na dostojanstvenu starost-ljudska prava i institucije, urednik Zoran Pavlović
A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 41 (2-3), 155-156, 2022
Još jedan pogled na (zaboravljenu) teoriju o društvenoj strukturi–Vojin Milić u peru savremenih domaćih sociologa
A Marković, A Kubiček
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanja, 2022
Rasijalističko tumačenje" Kriminaliteta Roma" Čezara Lombroza
A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 41 (2-3), 101-113, 2022
Pavlović, Z., Ljubičić, M.(2022) Zbornik radova Govor mržnje. Beograd: Pokrajinski zaštitnik građana-ombudsman, Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 41 (1), 113-116, 2022
Contribution of Scientific Institutions to the Promotion of Human Rights: Case Study of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade
A Kubiček
Provincial Protector of Citizens-Ombudsman; Institute of Criminological and …, 2022
Kriminalni argo (šatrovački) i pozajmljenice iz romskog jezika
A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 40 (2-3), 77-89, 2021
Prikaz monografije-Freedom in the Circle, author Ana Batrićević
A Kubiček
Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja 40 (2-3), 137-139, 2021
Heroin and Marginalised Groups: legal and sociological aspects
A Batrićević, A Kubiček
Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2020
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