Franto Novico
Franto Novico
National Research and Innovation Agency
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Tidal current energy resources assessment in the patinti strait, indonesia
F Novico, EH Sudjono, A Egon, D Menier, M Mathew, MB Pratama
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 10 (3), 517-525, 2021
Analisis Spasial Potensi Bahaya Daerah Pantai Terhadap Perubahan Iklim di Pulau Bali
H Bachtiar
Jurnal Sumber Daya Air 8 (2), 157-170, 2012
Modelling tidal flow hydrodynamics of Sunda Strait, Indonesia
MB Pratama, V Venugopal, H Ajiwibowo, JW Ginting, F Novico
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 25 (4), 165-172, 2020
Analysis of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns Using Software of Mike 21 HDFM-MT in The Kapuas Murung River Mouth Central Kalimantan Province
F Novico, YA Priohandono
Bulletin of the Marine Geology 27 (1), 35-53, 2012
Holocene sediment mobilization in the inner continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay: Implications for regional sediment budget offshore to onshore
D Menier, M Mathew, JB Cherfils, M Ramkumar, G Estournès, M Koch, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 88 (SI), 110-121, 2019
Pemodelan Pola Arus Pada Tiga Kondisi Musim Berbeda Sebagai Jalur Pelayaran Perairan Teluk Lampung Menggunakan Software Delft3d.
AR Budiwicaksono, P Subardjo, F Novico
Journal of Oceanography 2 (3), 280-292, 2013
Pemodelan hidrodinamika sederhana berdasarkan data hidro-oseanografi lapangan di Teluk Lampung
OR Sianturi, S Widada, IB Prasetyawan, F Novico
Journal of Oceanography 2 (3), 299-309, 2013
Impact of Late Quaternary climatic fluctuations on coastal systems: Evidence from high-resolution geophysical, sedimentological and geochronological data from the Java Island
F Novico, D Menier, M Mathew, M Ramkumar, M Santosh, C Endyana, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 136, 105399, 2022
Seafloor morphology influences on current condition in a Sunda Strait bridge project using numerical model
F Novico, IN Astawa, A Sinaga, A Ali
Bulletin of the Marine Geology 30 (2), 55-66, 2016
Pola sebaran sedimen tersuspensi berdasarkan model pola arus pasang surut di Perairan Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
AT Sinaga, A Satriadi, H Hariyadi, F Novico
Journal of Oceanography 2 (3), 329-336, 2013
Kondisi arus pasang surut dan erosi-sedimentasi di sekitar garis pantai depan PLTU Tarahan Lampung menggunakan Delft 3D versi 3.28
F Novico, P Astjario, H Bachtiar
Jurnal Geologi Kelautan 11 (1), 39-54, 2016
Assessment of Rock Slope Stability in a Humid Tropical Region: Case Study of a Coal Mine in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Z Zulfahmi, D Sarah, F Novico, RB Susilo
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 38 (2), 109-125, 2023
Morfodinamika Jangka Pendek Pendangkalan di Alur Pelayaran Barito, Kalimantan Selatan
F Novico, A Ali, E Saputro, A Sinaga, A Egon
Jurnal Geologi Kelautan 15 (2), 230405, 2017
Model Sederhana 2-dimensi Arah Pergerakan Sedimen di Sungai Porong Jawa Timur
H Bachtiar, F Novico, F Riandini
Jurnal Geologi Kelautan 9 (3), 175-184, 2016
Short-term coastal landscape evolution in Cirebon bay using coastline environment analysis
RY Pratama, N Sulaksana, E Sukiyah, TYWM Iskandarsyah, F Novico, ...
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 31 (3), 186 …, 2023
Pemodelan Pola Arus Pada Perairan Teluk Balikpapan Dengan Menggunakan Software Mike 21
A Witono, S Widada, F Novico
Journal of Oceanography 2 (3), 337-345, 2013
Identifikasi level kerentanan provinsi bali dengan metode pairwise comparison
H Bachtiar
Jurnal Sumber Daya Air 9 (1), 1-12, 2013
Model Penurunan Sedimen Permukaan Dasar Laut Pada Dasar Rencana Pemecah Gelombang Di Teluk Pancamaya Banyuwangi-Jawa Timur
F Novico, NY Geurhaneu
Jurnal Geologi Kelautan 8 (1), 2010
Scenario Seismic Hazard Analysis (SSHA) in Cilegon City for post-major earthquake 2019 and 2022 infrastructure construction development
AJ Syahbana, MS Wati, JA Zaenurrohman, M Ridwan, AM Sari, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1192 (1), 012035, 2023
Geomorphology of small islands and its seafloor profiles in the Eastern and Western Halmahera waters
AM Angkotasan, DG Bengen, IW Nurjaya, NP Zamani, NMN Natih, ...
Bulletin of the Marine Geology 37 (2), 2023
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