Yan Du
Yan Du
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Intelligent multi-microgrid energy management based on deep neural network and model-free reinforcement learning
Y Du, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1066-1076, 2019
Intelligent multi-zone residential HVAC control strategy based on deep reinforcement learning
F Li, Y Du
Deep Learning for Power System Applications: Case Studies Linking Artificial …, 2023
A cooperative game approach for coordinating multi-microgrid operation within distribution systems
Y Du, Z Wang, G Liu, X Chen, H Yuan, Y Wei, F Li
Applied energy 222, 383-395, 2018
Optimal bidding strategy and intramarket mechanism of microgrid aggregator in real-time balancing market
W Pei, Y Du, W Deng, K Sheng, H Xiao, H Qu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (2), 587-596, 2016
Achieving 100x acceleration for N-1 contingency screening with uncertain scenarios using deep convolutional neural network
Y Du, F Li, J Li, T Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (4), 3303-3305, 2019
Temporal-spatial analysis and improvement measures of Chinese power system for wind power curtailment problem
W Pei, Y Chen, K Sheng, W Deng, Y Du, Z Qi, L Kong
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 49, 148-168, 2015
A hierarchical real-time balancing market considering multi-microgrids with distributed sustainable resources
Y Du, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (1), 72-83, 2018
Approximating Nash equilibrium in day-ahead electricity market bidding with multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
Y Du, F Li, H Zandi, Y Xue
Journal of modern power systems and clean energy 9 (3), 534-544, 2021
Deep reinforcement learning from demonstrations to assist service restoration in islanded microgrids
Y Du, D Wu
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13 (2), 1062-1072, 2022
Multi-task deep reinforcement learning for intelligent multi-zone residential HVAC control
Y Du, F Li, J Munk, K Kurte, O Kotevska, K Amasyali, H Zandi
Electric Power Systems Research 192, 106959, 2021
Real-time microgrid economic dispatch based on model predictive control strategy
Y Du, W Pei, N Chen, X Ge, H Xiao
Journal of modern power systems and clean energy 5 (5), 787-796, 2017
Model-based and data-driven HVAC control strategies for residential demand response
X Kou, Y Du, F Li, H Pulgar-Painemal, H Zandi, J Dong, MM Olama
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 8, 186-197, 2021
Emerging smart grid technology for mitigating global warming
X Zhang, W Pei, W Deng, Y Du, Z Qi, Z Dong
International journal of energy research 39 (13), 1742-1756, 2015
Fast cascading outage screening based on deep convolutional neural network and depth-first search
Y Du, F Li, T Zheng, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (4), 2704-2715, 2020
Learning and fast adaptation for grid emergency control via deep meta reinforcement learning
R Huang, Y Chen, T Yin, Q Huang, J Tan, W Yu, X Li, A Li, Y Du
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (6), 4168-4178, 2022
Evaluating the adaptability of reinforcement learning based HVAC control for residential houses
K Kurte, J Munk, O Kotevska, K Amasyali, R Smith, E McKee, Y Du, B Cui, ...
Sustainability 12 (18), 7727, 2020
Demonstration of intelligent HVAC load management with deep reinforcement learning: real-world experience of machine learning in demand control
Y Du, F Li, K Kurte, J Munk, H Zandi
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 20 (3), 42-53, 2022
Coordinating multi-microgrid operation within distribution system: A cooperative game approach
Y Du, F Li, X Kou, W Pei
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
Methodology for interpretable reinforcement learning model for HVAC energy control
O Kotevska, J Munk, K Kurte, Y Du, K Amasyali, RW Smith, H Zandi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1555-1564, 2020
Physics-informed evolutionary strategy based control for mitigating delayed voltage recovery
Y Du, Q Huang, R Huang, T Yin, J Tan, W Yu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (5), 3516-3527, 2021
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