Delphine Chabanne
Delphine Chabanne
Harry Butler Institute, Murdoch university | Dept of Anthropology, Evolutionary Genetics Group
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Contrasting habitat use and population dynamics of reef manta rays within the Nusa Penida marine protected area, Indonesia
ES Germanov, L Bejder, DBH Chabanne, D Dharmadi, IG Hendrawan, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 215, 2019
Identification of a resident community of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the SwanCanning Riverpark, Western Australia, using behavioural information.
D Chabanne, H Finn, C Salgado-Kent, L Bedjer
Pacific Conservation Biology 18 (4), 247-262, 2012
Identifying the relevant local population for Environmental Impact Assessments of mobile marine fauna
DBH Chabanne, H Finn, L Bejder
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 148, 2017
Applying the multistate capture–recapture robust design to characterize metapopulation structure
DBH Chabanne, KH Pollock, H Finn, L Bejder
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 1547-1557, 2017
Challenges of collecting blow from small cetaceans
HC Raudino, JA Tyne, A Smith, K Ottewell, S McArthur, AM Kopps, ...
Ecosphere 10 (10), e02901, 2019
Demography and genetics suggest reversal of dolphin source‐sink dynamics, with implications for conservation
O Manlik, D Chabanne, C Daniel, L Bejder, SJ Allen, WB Sherwin
Marine Mammal Science 35 (3), 732-759, 2019
Multi‑seasonal systematic camera‑trapping reveals fluctuating densities and high turnover rates of Carpathian lynx on the western edge of its native range
M Dul'a, M Bojda, DBH Chabanne, P Drengubiak, Ľ Hrdý, ...
Scientific Reports 11, 9236, 2021
Inconsistency between socio-spatial and genetic structure in a coastal dolphin population
DBH Chabanne, SJ Allen, WB Sherwin, HC Finn, M Krützen
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 1217, 2021
Contrasting habitat use and population dynamics of reef manta rays within the nusa Penida marine protected area, Indonesia. Front Mar Sci 6: 215
ES Germanov, L Bejder, DBH Chabanne, D Dharmadi, IG Hendrawan, ...
Relative abundance, population genetic structure and passive acoustic monitoring of Australian snubfin and humpback dolphins in regions within the Kimberley
AM Brown, J Smith, CS Kent, S Marley, SJ Allen, D Thiele, L Bejder, ...
Evidence of male alliance formation in a small dolphin community
DBH Chabanne, M Krützen, H Finn, SJ Allen
Mammalian Biology 102 (4), 1285-1298, 2022
Les Catégories bioécologiques des espèces de poissons des estuaires et lagunes de l’Afrique de l’Ouest
D Chabanne
Master en Sciences et Technologie, 18, 2007
Relative abundance, population genetic structure and acoustic monitoring of Australian snubfin and humpback dolphins in regions within the Kimberley
AM Brown, J Smith, C Salgado-Kent, SA Marley, SJ Allen, D Thiele, ...
Perth WA: Western Australian Marine Science Institution. Final report of …, 2017
Applying the multistate capture-recapture robust design to characterize metapopulation structure. Methods Ecol Evol 8: 1547–1557
DBH Chabanne, KH Pollock, H Finn, L Bejder
Swan Canning Riverpark dolphin population ecology & health investigations
D Chabanne, LM Harrison, C Holyoake, H Finn, N Stephens, L Bejder
Murdoch University, 2012
Broad-scale distribution and habitat modelling of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Owen Anchorage and Cockburn Sound using boat-based survey data from …
DBH Chabanne
Prepared for the WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program. Western Australian …, 2023
Distribution, abundance, social and genetic structures of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Perth metropolitan waters, Western Australia
DBH Chabanne
Murdoch University, 2017
Trophic ecology of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Owen Anchorage and Cockburn Sound inferred by stable isotopes
DBH Chabanne
Prepared for the WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program. Western Australian …, 2024
Demographic History and Adaptive Evolution of Indo‐Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Western Australia
SM Marfurt, DBH Chabanne, S Wittwer, MR Bizzozzero, SJ Allen, ...
Molecular ecology 33 (22), e17555, 2024
Fine-scale understanding of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin use of the Kwinana Shelf within Cockburn Sound and identification of key areas within the Shelf
D Chabanne
Prepared for the WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program. Western Australian …, 2024
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