Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Samir JAOUA , Professor of Microbiology and Molecular and Microbial BiotechnologyLes mer
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 2
Biocontrol activity of four non-and low-fermenting yeast strains against Aspergillus carbonarius and their ability to remove ochratoxin A from grape juice
S Fiori, PP Urgeghe, W Hammami, S Razzu, S Jaoua, Q Migheli
International journal of food microbiology 189, 45-50, 2014
Mandater: Government of Italy
Perfume Guns: Potential of Yeast Volatile Organic Compounds in the Biological Control of Mycotoxin-Producing Fungi.
S Oufensou, Z Ul Hassan, V Balmas, S Jaoua, Q Migheli
Toxins 15 (1), 45, 2023
Mandater: European Commission
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