Tomi Dahlberg
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Past, present and future of mobile payments research: A literature review
T Dahlberg, N Mallat, J Ondrus, A Zmijewska
Electronic commerce research and applications 7 (2), 165-181, 2008
Digital supply chain transformation toward blockchain integration
K Korpela, J Hallikas, T Dahlberg
A critical review of mobile payment research
T Dahlberg, J Guo, J Ondrus
Electronic commerce research and applications 14 (5), 265-284, 2015
Trust enhanced technology acceptance modelconsumer acceptance of mobile payment solutions: Tentative evidence
T Dahlberg, N Mallat, A Öörni
Stockholm Mobility Roundtable 22 (1), 145, 2003
An integrated framework for IT governance and the development and validation of an assessment instrument
T Dahlberg, H Kivijarvi
Proceedings of the 39th annual Hawaii international conference on system …, 2006
Understanding changes in consumer payment habits - do mobile payments attract consumers
T Dahlberg, O Anssi
The Helsinki Mobility Roundtable, Helsinki, Finland, 2006
Mobile payment service development-managerial implications of consumer value perceptions
T Dahlberg, N Mallat
ECIS 2002 Proceedings, 139, 2002
Consumer acceptance of mobile payment solutions–ease of use, usefulness and trust
T Dahlberg, N Mallat, A Öörni
Tokio Mobility Roundtable 2003, 2003
Mobile payment market and research-Past present and future
T Dahlberg, N Mallat, J Ondrus, A Bachfischer
Helsinki mobility roundtable 2006, 2006
IT governance maturity and IT outsourcing degree: An exploratory study
T Dahlberg, P Lahdelma
2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS …, 2007
A new instrument to measure the success of IT outsourcing
T Dahlberg, M Nyrhinen
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Lost opportunity why has dominant design failed to emerge for the mobile payment services market in Finland?
T Dahlberg, M Huurros, A Ainamo
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
Challenges to IS quality
T Dahlberg, J Jarvinen
Information and Software Technology 39 (12), 809-818, 1997
A framework for the corporate governance of data-theoretical background and empirical evidence
T Dahlberg, T Nokkala
Business, Management and Education 13 (1), 25-45, 2015
M-Payment-How Disruptive Technologies Could Change The Payment Ecosystem.
T Dahlberg, H Bouwman, N Cerpa, J Guo
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2015, 2015
Taloushallinnon sähköistyminen muuttaa alaa
T Dahlberg
Tilisanomat 3 (2004), 35-37, 2004
Longitudinal study on the expectations of cloud computing benefits and an integrative multilevel model for understanding cloud computing performance
T Dahlberg, H Kivijärvi, T Saarinen
Consumer and merchant adoption of mobile payment solutions
N Mallat, T Dahlberg
Managing business in a multi-channel world: Success factors for e-business …, 2005
How business strategy and changes to business strategy impact the role and the tasks of CIOs: An evolutionary model
T Dahlberg, P Hokkanen, M Newman
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 4910-4919, 2016
Finnish consumers' expectations on developments and changes in payment habits: survey in connection with the research project" Finnish payment habits 2010"
T Dahlberg, A Öörni
Bank of Finland publication series, 2006
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