Otegui Maria Elena
Otegui Maria Elena
Professor FAUBA - Senior Scientist CONICET
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Seed dry weight response to source-sink manipulations in wheat, maize and soybean. A quantitative reappraisal.
L Borrás, GA Slafer, ME Otegui
Field Crops Research 83, 131-146, 2004
Plant population density, row spacing and hybrid effects on maize canopy architecture and light attenuation
GA Maddonni, ME Otegui, AG Cirilo
Field Crops Research 71 (3), 183-193, 2001
Growth, water use, and kernel abortion of maize subjected to drought at silking
ME Otegui, FH Andrade, EE Suero
Field Crops Research 40 (2), 87-94, 1995
Ecofisiología del cultivo de maíz
FH Andrade, AG Cirilo, SA Uhart, ME Otegui
Balcarce La Barrosa, 1996
Maize kernel weight response to postflowering source–sink ratio
L Borrás, ME Otegui
Crop Science 41 (6), 1816-1822, 2001
Leaf senescence in maize hybrids: plant population, row spacing and kernel set effects
L Borrás, GA Maddonni, ME Otegui
Field Crops Research 82 (1), 13-26, 2003
Leaf area, light interception, and crop development in maize
GA Maddonni, ME Otegui
Field crops research 48 (1), 81-87, 1996
Response of maize kernel number to plant density in Argentinean hybrids released between 1965 and 1993
L Echarte, S Luque, FH Andrade, VO Sadras, A Cirilo, ME Otegui, ...
Field Crops Research 68 (1), 1-8, 2000
Genetic gains in grain yield and related physiological attributes in Argentine maize hybrids
SF Luque, AG Cirilo, ME Otegui
Field Crops Research 95 (2-3), 383-397, 2006
Grain yield components in maize: I. Ear growth and kernel set
ME Otegui, R Bonhomme
Field Crops Research 56 (3), 247-256, 1998
Intra-specific competition in maize: early establishment of hierarchies among plants affects final kernel set
GA Maddonni, ME Otegui
Field Crops Research 85 (1), 1-13, 2004
Sowing date effects on grain yield components for different maize genotypes
ME Otegui, MG Nicolini, RA Ruiz, PA Dodds
Agronomy Journal 87 (1), 29-33, 1995
Source–sink relations and kernel weight differences in maize temperate hybrids
BL Gambín, L Borrás, ME Otegui
Field Crops Research 95 (2-3), 316-326, 2006
Heat stress in field‐grown maize: Response of physiological determinants of grain yield
M Cicchino, JIR Edreira, M Uribelarrea, ME Otegui
Crop science 50 (4), 1438-1448, 2010
Heat stress effects around flowering on kernel set of temperate and tropical maize hybrids
JIR Edreira, EB Carpici, D Sammarro, ME Otegui
Field Crops Research 123 (2), 62-73, 2011
Maize leaves turn away from neighbors.
G Maddonni, ME Otegui, B Andrieu, M Chelle, JJ Casal
Plant Physiology 130, 1181-1189, 2002
Control of kernel weight and kernel water relations by post‐flowering source–sink ratio in maize
L Borrás, ME Westgate, ME Otegui
Annals of Botany 91 (7), 857-867, 2003
Kernel number determination differs among maize hybrids in response to nitrogen
KE D’Andrea, ME Otegui, AG Cirilo
Field Crops Research 105 (3), 228-239, 2008
Row width and maize grain yield
GA Maddonni, AG Cirilo, ME Otegui
Agronomy journal 98 (6), 1532-1543, 2006
Producción de granos: bases funcionales para su manejo
EH Satorre, RL Benech-Arnold, GA Slafer, ME Otegui, R Savin, ...
Buenos Aires: Editorial Facultad de Agronomía,, 2003
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