The new competition: institutions of industrial restructuring MH Best Harvard University Press, 1990 | 3801 | 1990 |
The new competitive advantage: the renewal of American industry M Best Oxford University Press, 2001 | 846 | 2001 |
The politicized economy MH Best, WE Connolly (No Title), 1982 | 144 | 1982 |
Political power and tax revenues in Central America MH Best Journal of Development Economics 3 (1), 49-82, 1976 | 104 | 1976 |
Silicon Valley and the resurgence of Route 128: Systems integration and regional innovation MH Best Regions, globalization, and the knowledge-based economy, 459-506, 2000 | 99 | 2000 |
Greater Boston׳ s industrial ecosystem: A manufactory of sectors MH Best Technovation 39, 4-13, 2015 | 95 | 2015 |
The City and industrial decline MH Best, J Humphries The decline of the British economy, 223-239, 1986 | 93 | 1986 |
How growth really happens: the making of economic miracles through production, governance, and skills M Best Princeton University Press, 2018 | 89 | 2018 |
Edith Penrose, 1914–1996 MH Best, E Garnsey The Economic Journal 109 (453), 187-201, 1999 | 72 | 1999 |
Malaysian electronics: at the crossroads MH Best, R Rasiah UNIDO, Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Regional growth dynamics: a capabilities perspective MH Best The growth of the firm: the legacy of edith penrose, 179-193, 2002 | 64 | 2002 |
Cluster dynamics in theory and practice: Singapore/Johor and Penang electronics MH Best RESEARCH PAPERS IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES-UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE JUDGE …, 1999 | 50 | 1999 |
Sector strategies and industrial policy: the furniture industry and the Greater London Enterprise Board M Best Reversing industrial decline, 191-222, 1989 | 50 | 1989 |
Creating industrial capacity: Pentagon-led versus production-led industrial policies M Best, R Forrant Creating industrial capacity: Towards full employment, 225-254, 1996 | 48 | 1996 |
The capabilities and innovation perspective: the way ahead in Northern Ireland MH Best Northern Ireland Economic Council, 2000 | 41 | 2000 |
Cluster Dynamics in Theory and Practice: Singapore M Best Johor and Penang Electronics, Cambridge (The Judge Institute of Management …, 1999 | 31 | 1999 |
Cluster dynamics in theory and practice with application to Penang M Best UNIDO report, 1998 | 29 | 1998 |
The political economy of socially irrational products MH Best Cambridge Journal of Economics 6 (1), 53-64, 1982 | 29 | 1982 |
POLITICS AND SUBJECTS-THE LIMITS OF STRUCTURAL MARXISM MH Best, WE Connolly Socialist Review, 75-99, 1979 | 25 | 1979 |
Cluster dynamics in Malaysian electronics M Best Malaysian industrial policy, 249-276, 2007 | 24 | 2007 |