Seismicity around Parkfield correlates with static shear stress changes following the 2003 Mw 6.5 San Simeon earthquake X Meng, Z Peng, JL Hardebeck
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86 2013 Seismicity rate changes in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field and the San Jacinto Fault Zone after the 2010 M w 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake X Meng, Z Peng
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79 2014 Detecting earthquakes around Salton Sea following the 2010 Mw7. 2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake using GPU parallel computing X Meng, X Yu, Z Peng, B Hong
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71 2012 Spatial‐temporal evolutions of early aftershocks following the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan earthquake in Sichuan, China J Wu, D Yao, X Meng, Z Peng, J Su, F Long
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (4), 2873-2889, 2017
66 2017 Detailed spatiotemporal evolution of microseismicity and repeating earthquakes following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya earthquake D Yao, JI Walter, X Meng, TE Hobbs, Z Peng, AV Newman, SY Schwartz, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (1), 524-542, 2017
64 2017 Overview and introduction to development of non-ergodic earthquake ground-motion models G Lavrentiadis, NA Abrahamson, KM Nicolas, Y Bozorgnia, CA Goulet, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 21 (11), 5121-5150, 2023
54 2023 Foreshocks, b Value Map, and Aftershock Triggering for the 2011 M w 5.7 Virginia Earthquake X Meng, H Yang, Z Peng
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50 2018 Far-field triggering of foreshocks near the nucleation zone of the 5 September 2012 (MW 7.6) Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica earthquake JI Walter, X Meng, Z Peng, SY Schwartz, AV Newman, M Protti
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42 2015 Lack of Spatiotemporal Localization of Foreshocks before the 1999 M w 7.1 Düzce, Turkey, Earthquake C Wu, X Meng, Z Peng, Y Ben‐Zion
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40 2014 Increasing background seismicity and dynamic triggering behaviors with nearby mining activities around Fangshan Pluton in Beijing, China W Wang, X Meng, Z Peng, QF Chen, N Liu
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36 2015 Evolution and distribution of the early aftershocks following the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, China XZ Yin, JH Chen, Z Peng, X Meng, QY Liu, B Guo, SC Li
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34 2018 Temporal correlation between seismic moment and injection volume for an induced earthquake sequence in central Oklahoma X Chen, J Haffener, THW Goebel, X Meng, Z Peng, JC Chang
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34 2018 Increasing seismicity in southern Tibet following the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake L Li, D Yao, X Meng, Z Peng, B Wang
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33 2017 Increasing lengths of aftershock zones with depths of moderate-size earthquakes on the San Jacinto Fault suggests triggering of deep creep in the middle crust X Meng, Z Peng
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31 2016 Testing for the ‘predictability’of dynamically triggered earthquakes in The Geysers geothermal field C Aiken, X Meng, J Hardebeck
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28 2015 Ground deformation data from GEER investigations of Ridgecrest earthquake sequence SJ Brandenberg, JP Stewart, P Wang, CC Nweke, K Hudson, CA Goulet, ...
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24 2020 Dynamic triggering of earthquakes in the North Island of New Zealand following the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake D Yao, Z Peng, Y Kaneko, B Fry, X Meng
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21 2021 Remote triggering in the Koyna‐Warna reservoir‐induced seismic zone, Western India AR Bansal, NP Rao, Z Peng, D Shashidhar, X Meng
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20 2018 Remote Triggering of Microearthquakes and Tremor in New Zealand following the 2016 7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake Z Peng, B Fry, K Chao, D Yao, X Meng, A Jolly
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