Tom Kleinepier
Tom Kleinepier
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Life paths of migrants: A sequence analysis of Polish migrants’ family life trajectories
T Kleinepier, HAG de Valk, R van Gaalen
European Journal of Population 31, 155-179, 2015
Ethnic differences in family trajectories of young adult women in the Netherlands: Timing and sequencing of events
T Kleinepier, HAG de Valk
Demographic Research 35, 671-710, 2016
The role of exposure to neighborhood and school poverty in understanding educational attainment
J Nieuwenhuis, T Kleinepier, M van Ham
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50 (5), 872-892, 2021
A micro-scale approach to ethnic minority concentration in the residential environment and voting for the radical right in The Netherlands
HJ Janssen, M van Ham, T Kleinepier, J Nieuwenhuis
European Sociological Review 35 (4), 552-566, 2019
The temporal dynamics of neighborhood disadvantage in childhood and subsequent problem behavior in adolescence
T Kleinepier, M van Ham
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 1611-1628, 2018
Ethnic differences in timing and duration of exposure to neighborhood disadvantage during childhood
T Kleinepier, M van Ham, J Nieuwenhuis
Advances in Life Course Research 36, 92-104, 2018
Ethnic differences in returning home: Explanations from a life course perspective
T Kleinepier, A Berrington, L Stoeldraijer
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (4), 1023-1040, 2017
The temporal stability of children’s neighborhood experiences: A follow-up from birth to age 15
T Kleinepier, M van Ham
Demographic Research 36, 1813-1826, 2017
The influence of dysfunctional impulsivity and alexithymia on aggressive behavior of psychiatric patients
MAM de Schutter, HJMT Kramer, EJF Franken, HFM Lodewijkx, ...
Psychiatry research 243, 128-134, 2016
Housing trajectories of EU migrants: between quick emigration and shared housing as temporary and long-term solutions
D Manting, T Kleinepier, C Lennartz
Housing Studies 39 (4), 1027-1048, 2024
The role of neighbourhood and workplace ethnic contexts in the formation of inter-ethnic partnerships: A native majority perspective
L Rahnu, A Puur, T Kleinepier, T Tammaru
European Journal of Population 36, 247-276, 2020
Leaving home of migrant and Dutch young adults: Parent-child and peer relations
T Kleinepier, HAG Valk
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 48 (1), 15-39, 2017
Leaving home among migrant-descent and Dutch young adults: parent-child and peer relations
T Kleinepier, HAG de Valk
The Hague: NIDI (NIDI Working Paper no. 2014/5), 2014
Neighbourhood deprivation and the Big Five personality traits: associations with adolescent problem behaviour and educational attainment
J Nieuwenhuis, T Kleinepier, H Janssen, M van Ham
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 36 (3), 943-963, 2021
Neighbourhood and School Poverty Simultaneously Predicting Educational Achievement, Taking into Account Timing and Duration of Exposure
J Nieuwenhuis, T Kleinepier, M van Ham
IZA Discussion Papers, 2019
Levensloop van jongvolwassen vrouwen
T Kleinepier, HAG De Valk
Jaarrapport Integratie 2014, 96-115, 2014
Life paths of migrants: a sequence analysis of polish labor migrants’ family-life trajectories
T Kleinepier, H De Valk, R Van Gaalen
THEMIS International Migration Conference: Examining Migration Dynamics …, 2013
Ethnic differences in duration and timing of exposure to neighbourhood disadvantage during childhood
T Kleinepier, M van Ham
IZA Discussion Papers, 2017
Housing trajectories of EU‐migrants in the Netherlands: Between quick emigration and shared living as temporary and permanent solutions
D Manting, T Kleinepier, C Lennartz
Housing Studies, 2021
Life courses of immigrants and their descendants
T Kleinepier
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